Background. The subject of the research is the forecasting of the professional future of the student as a technological chain of interrelated elements, representing a holistic process, built in accordance with the goal and aimed at achieving the result. Forecasting
the future is extremely important, given the rapid changes taking place in the labour market.
Objective. The goal of the research is to develop a technology for forecasting the professional future of a student, aimed at reducing uncertainty of the future and building a strategy for professional self-determination.
Methods. The author of the article offers two new approaches to the problem of forecasting the professional future – procedural and technological, viewing forecasting as technology; and personalised, based on the independence and engagement of
the subject of educational activity. In order to determine the possibilities of training according to an individual curriculum and its content, the experience of the country’s leading universities in the field of designing individual educational routes was studied,
educational offers from universities, online courses from Coursera, etc were analysed. To collect data, psychodiagnostic methods were used: the projective method of pictorial metaphors by I. L. Solomin «My Life Path», the technology of personality-resource
Results. On the basis of the conducted research, the content of each stage of the forecasting technology was determined. Stage 1. Diagnostic: diagnosis and analysis of the student’s goal-setting skills and resources to achieve the goals. Stage 2. Design: analysis
and development of ways to fill competence deficits; development of a personalised educational trajectory of professional development (result 1) and a trajectory of
professional development as promising and long-term planning of professional life with the graduate actively entering the professional environment (result 2). Stage 3.
Implementation: progressive advancement along a personalised educational trajectory and presentation of the result of one’s own activity in mastering the profession. Stage 4. Analytical: evaluation of the results, personal readiness of the student as a subject of
professional activity.
Practical significance. The materials of the article can be used by managers and teachers of educational organisations of various levels to implement innovative transformations in the process of training future professionals
Tretyakova, V. S. (2022). Forecasting the professional future as an innovative technology for managing the professional development of students. Vocational Education and Labour Market, null(1), 112–126.