Introduction. The growing relevance of the problem of professional orientation in modern Russia inevitably raises one of the most difficult and ambiguous issues – the assessment of the results of professional orientation. Attempts to solve this issue are presented in scientific publications, in materials and speeches of practitioners, in regional strategic planning documents. However, building an adequate (comprehensive, effective, realistic) system for evaluating the results of professional orientation work with students remains a task that has not yet been solved in practice and has not been sufficiently understood in theoretical research.
Aim. To search for and substantiate the methodological prerequisites necessary for designing a system for evaluating the results of educational professional orientation. Methods. A wide range of empirical and theoretical research methods was used, including experimental work within the framework of scientific and methodological sites of Federal Institute for Education Development, then RANEPA in various regions of the Russian Federation.
Results. The author’s model of “four coloured baskets” is presented and scientifically substantiated, which makes it possible to clearly identify four types of educational outcomes of professional orientation. 1) “External conditions” – indicators of accessibility and quality of the professional orientation environment. 2) “Internal (personal) conditions” - characteristics of the student’s (graduate’s) readiness for professional self-determination. 3) “External results” – delayed educational and socio-economic effects of professional orientation. 4) “Internal (personal) results” – characteristics of the professional self-determination of the student (graduate) at different stages.
Scientific novelty. The variety of the criteria and performance indicators of professional orientation, reflecting the vast amount of poorly reflected empirical approaches, are systematised and presented in the form of a four-component model, which significantly facilitates further scientific understanding of the problem.
Practical significance. The presented scientific results can be used, on the one hand, to develop effective models for managing ecosystems of educational professional orientation at various levels and scales (from regional and sectoral to local); on the other hand, to develop variable models of self–assessment of the effectiveness professional orientation work at the level of an individual professional orientation teacher.
Introduction. Current challenges, both economic and social, highlight the factors that influence the formation of value orientations, particularly the value of creative labor in the content of career guidance programmes.
Aim. To determine the factors that contribute to the increased value placed on creative labour by students in comprehensive schools during career guidance programmes.
Methods. This study used comparative and generalised analyses of existing scientific publications on the topic of the research. The methods of correlation and factor analysis were used to process the test results.
Results. Research data indicates that students’ perception of the importance of creative labor is enhanced through participation in career guidance programmes that systematically incorporate professional tryouts, guided tours, extracurricular activities, and career guidance diagnostics. This creates the conditions for a value-based unity within career guidance activities.
Scientific novelty. The research identified a correlation between the value of labour in a society and its level of prosperity. Societies and communities where members highly value creative labour demonstrate superior economic performance.
Practical significance. The results of the study can be used for organising career guidance and educational work in comprehensive schools.
Introduction. The article is devoted to the phenomenon of teachers’ professional development in the process of postgraduate continuous learning. Due to the growing popularity of a science which appeared at the junction of neurobiology, psychology and pedagogy, known as “Neurodidactics”, a large amount of new knowledge about the neurophysiological processes of the brain is accumulated. The analysis, theoretical understanding and generalisation of it can form the basis for the formation of a new concept of teachers’ professional development.
The aim of the study is to identify and examine from the standpoint of neurodidactics the key features that determine the phenomenon of teachers’ professional development and which positively influence the organisation of its support, particularly in the process of teachers’ skills improvement.
Methods. Analysis of scientific sources indexed by international and Russian databases, with a search depth of more than 50 years; pedagogical forecasting and modeling.
Results. During the analysis of the phenomenon of teachers’ professional development from the standpoint of andragogy, as well as taking into account the neurophysiological characteristics of the human brain, the following properties that are significant for teachers’ postgraduate education support were identified: neuroplasticity, cognitive flexibility, memory, critical thinking, emotions, speech function. A neurodidactic characteristic of each was given.
Scientific novelty. The directions of teachers‘ professional development that were put forward taking into account the peculiarities of brain functioning can be used as a basis for the development of conceptual foundations for the support of teachers’ professional development.
Practical significance. Based on the generalised theoretical provisions on the phenomenon of teachers’ professional development from the standpoint of neurodidactics, methodical recommendations are proposed and the course of professional and pedagogical skills improvement of teachers is defined.
Introduction. In the context of rapid digitalisation in education, there is a growing need for effective training for teachers in the use of modern technologies. The relevance of this research is driven by the necessity to develop effective strategies for enhancing teachers’ qualifications in digital technologies.
Aim. The aim of the study is to analyse the effectiveness of online workshops as a form of professional development for teachers in the context of developing digital skills.
Methods. The research is based on the analysis of the University-School Cluster in the Perm branch of the National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE University), where a personalised form of professional development for teachers in online workshops was implemented using a special digital platform. Three online workshops were organised for professional development in the area of ‘Digital Technologies and Tools in Teacher’s Activities’: for teachers of History and Social Studies, English and Mathematics.
Results. Cluster participants successfully created and applied digital educational products (DEPs) in their teaching practice. The positive impact of using digital technologies on the quality of education was noted. Scientific novelty.
The scientific novelty of the research lies in the development and testing of a comprehensive approach to enhancing teachers’ digital literacy, based on the use of online workshops within the framework of the university-school cluster.
Practical significance. The results of the study can be used in the development of advanced training programmes for teachers in the field of digital technologies.
Introduction. In modern conditions, a person can change their profession multiple times, building various career paths, ensured by a flexible system of additional education and opportunities for project-based learning and its further professional implementation. The change from a mono-professional to a poly-professional approach to building a career path determines the need to revise and clarify the content of professionalisation.
Aim: to study the characteristics of the formation of professional identity of specialists during the change of profession.
Methods. The study used the following methods: qualitative theoretical analysis, comparison, classification, and survey method. The study involved 113 respondents comprised of students taking programmes of 44.03.04 Vocational training (by branches).
Results. When changing career paths, specialists, influenced by the result of identification with the previous profession, are still oriented towards the same values, subject, and type of professional activity learned during the previous cycle of professional self-determination. Professional experience in any related field allows for a quicker identification process, that is, when choosing a profession again, the formation of professional identity occurs at an accelerated pace.
Scientific novelty. The study clarified the characteristics of professional identity in the process of changing career paths.
Practical significance. The results of the conducted research can be used to optimise the process of training students receiving second vocational training, as well as in the development of retraining programmes.
Introduction. The system of professional qualifications was created to systematise and organise the diversity of professions in the labour market. Its important part of it is professional standards, which, with the help of the professional expert community, accumulate ideas about the content of certain professions, labour functions, actions, knowledge and skills. Their development and approval are a labour-intensive process, so it is important to understand the methodological approaches to this work, especially in the field of pedagogy due to its complexity, significance, and long-term effects on society.
Aim. The aim of the study is to describe and analyse the experience of developing the professional standard «Labor Instructor» as part of the activities related to the development of professional qualifications framework, which can be used to develop other standards considering the requests of current stakeholders, the prospects for the development of professional activities, and the capabilities of the education system.
Methods. A whole range of methods was used to develop the draft standard: document analysis, interviews with experts, and focus groups, which allowed the study to look at the standard being developed from the perspective of various subjects of labour and educational relations.
Results. The draft professional standard that considers the requests of experts, trends in the development of the professional field, and the opinion of the scientific and educational environment was introduced.
Scientific novelty. An algorithm for creating a professional standard is proposed, which allows for the optimization of the procedure and the reduction of time of its development by optimising the processes at the stage of researching the type of professional activity.
Practical significance. The results of the study can be used to develop other professional standards, taking into account the requests of relevant stakeholders.
Introduction. Companies in the real sector of economy are actively seeking new technologies that can minimise routine tasks and support management decision-making. Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) is becoming a promising tool for solving these tasks and receiving a quantitative economic effect. Of interest then are the companies in the real sector, which have already implemented these technologies and have received a tangible economic effect.
The aim of the research is to assess the quantitative economic effect of training employees of a financial company to use GenAI technologies and to integrate them into professional activities.
Methods. The study analysed the results of a survey of employees of Finam JSC before and after training in GenAI technologies. Standard statistical methods were used to analyse the data.
Results. The statistically based results of the study allowed us to identify and specify practical tasks for which generative AI can be used, confirm the hypothesis that there is a quantitative economic effect from its application, and predict the consequences of its widespread use in a financial company.
The scientific novelty of the study lies in the empirical confirmation of the economic benefits of using GenAI within a particular company. The study provides data on the impact of GenAI training on employee productivity, which is a relevant and little-studied aspect in Russian realities.
Practical significance. The results obtained can be used to develop practical recommendations for the implementation of GenAI in the activities of companies in the financial sector.
Introduction. Creation of the State labour reserves in the 1940s was accompanied by the formation of an “official portrait” of its student. The deviations from it (the “informal portrait”) did not just turn into private deviations, but became a socio-political phenomenon that threatened the most important technologies of social management.
The aim of the research is to characterise the mechanisms of implementation and limitations of the potential for renewal of the State labour reserves system in the 1940- 1950s, based on the manifestations of the “informal portrait” of students.
Methods. The theory of modernisation and the actor-based approach associated with the activities of the educational bureaucracy in the formation of new social practices and relations were used as a methodology. In characterising the interaction of the educational bureaucracy with students of the labour reserves, O. Leibovich’s concept of social conventions that ensure the coexistence in a group of people oriented toward different values was used.
Results. The main types of deviations and manifestations of the “informal” behavior of students that are considered are: runaways, criminal behavior, students’ appeals inside and outside the State labour reserves system. The following conclusions are substantiated: that the renewal took place mainly at the lower and regional levels of the state labour reserve system and was forced and «reactive» in nature and, ultimately, contributed to the humanisation of the system, its slow transformation from a mobilisation and order system into a training and production one.
Scientific novelty. For the first time, the influence of the “informal portrait” of students on the potential for updating the system of State labour reserves was posed as a research problem.
Theoretical significance. The results of the study can be applied in the study of the evolution of the system of vocational education.