Introduction. The article focuses on analyzing domestic and international approaches to organizing the support of professional development for educational professionals through the enhancement of qualification levels. The central aspect of this process is the selection of program content for professional development, taking into account various monitoring indicators, such as educational needs for qualification improvement, the quality of student education, professional competence, and the identification of new pedagogical competencies.
Aim. To identify and summarize positive trends in the organization of professional development for pedagogical staff during qualification enhancement, based on the analysis of domestic and international experience.
Methods: The study employs the analysis of scientific sources indexed by international and Russian databases over a 28-year period, as well as normative and legal documents. Pedagogical forecasting and modeling are also utilized.
Results based on the synthesis of the experience in the qualification enhancement of vocational education teachers reflected in publications by domestic and international authors, relevant directions for organizing the support of professional development for vocational education teachers are formulated.
Scientific novelty. Based on the generalization of experience the actual vectors of organizing support for the vocational education teachers’ professional development are formulated: organization of methodical and substantive assistance in overcoming difficulties in the implementation of professional and pedagogical working; enrichment of teachers’ professional and pedagogical competences; teachers’ creative research working activation.
Practical significance. The methods and forms of qualification enhancement presented in the article can be used as a foundation for designing professional development programs for educators within the framework of continuous education.