Introduction. Due to the specificities of resocialisation, building social and labour relations is difficult for certain categories of Russian citizens. One of these categories are retired military personnel who have the right to pension provision and are able-bodied. The transition of military pensioners to the new reality of civilian life is accompanied by a number of difficulties.
The aim of the study is to identify the potential of an inclusive approach in addressing the problems of professional adaptation of military pensioners.
Methods. During the study, secondary analysis of the results of empirical studies and content analysis of scientific publications were carried out.
Results. The professional adaptation of military pensioners is considered the main condition for their social adaptation and integration. The following are considered as areas of professional adaptation of military pensioners: organisation of educational activities, organisation of employment, and social and legal support for entrepreneurial activity.
Scientific novelty consists in identifying a set of inclusive conditions that ensure the success of professional adaptation of military pensioners.
Practical significance. The directions, forms and conditions of professional adaptation provided in the article can be used in the development of employment programmes for military pensioners and retired military personnel.