Dr. Sci. (Pedagogy), Professor
Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Introduction. In historical terms, the convergence of pedagogical and production factors, ‘laws of production’ and ‘laws of pedagogy’ and, finally, pedagogical and technical knowledge has always been a stumbling block in solving the problem of preparing a person for work and professional activity. Historical logical analysis provides an opportunity for a holistic vision of this interaction, which, in turn, allows using its laws in the modern practice of vocational education, which includes all stages of professional development- option, professional training, adaptation, professionalisation, professional excellence.
The aim of the study is to develop a heuristic base for studying on the basis of historical and pedagogical analysis the problem of convergence of pedagogical and production factors as the most important tool for improving the educational and spatial environment and the personal and professional development of its subjects.
Methods. The study used theoretical and methodological analysis of the semantic and meaningful content of the subject field of research, synthesis of the information received, inductive method in the study of the convergence of pedagogical and production factors. The starting methodological point of the study is the idea of dialectical dualism, which recognises the equivalence of opposites.
Results. The heuristic foundations for the development of the convergence of pedagogical and production factors have been laid as the leading mechanism for improving the system of vocational training, as well as a toolkit for the phylogenetic and ontogenetic development of a person.
Scientific novelty. A scientific hypothesis about the leading role of the convergence of pedagogical and production factors in the historical and individual development of a person is proposed.
Practical significance. The results of the study can be used by teachers and heads of educational institutions to improve teaching and upbringing methods.