Cand. Sci. (Pedagogy)
Research Center for Vocational Education and Qualifications Systems, Federal Education Development Institute, RANEPA, Moscow, Russian Federation
Introduction. This article addresses the need to revise approaches to forecasting the demand for skilled workers in order to establish clear requirements for the development of Russia’s vocational education system.
The aim of the article is to propose potential solutions that define strategies for the development of the Russian vocational education system, considering approaches currently used in foreign countries.
Methods. The study is applied in nature, utilising general scientific methods such as comparative and theoretical analysis, as well as data synthesis and generalisation from open sources, including regulatory documents and scientific publications.
Results. The study’s findings include conclusions about the relationship between workforce demand forecasting approaches and decisions regarding the development of the vocational education system.
Scientific novelty lies in proposals to change forecasting methods the need for personnel in Russia based on combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches.
Practical significance. Solutions are proposed for the development of the vocational education system, taking into account the results of forecasting the demand for skilled workers.