Introduction. The world is undergoing rapid transformations, moving from the previously-defined VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous) environment to a BANI (Brittle, Anxious, Non-linear, Incomprehensible) one. These characteristics pose significant challenges for individuals and societies alike. Sustainable human development serves as a key response to these challenges, necessitating a continuous transformation of educational systems to align with the evolving demands of the labour market. In this context, soft skills are gaining crucial importance.
Aim. This study aims to analyze the challenges associated with current pedagogical approaches toward developing soft skills. Based on this analysis, the study proposes diversified means for fostering such skills in university students.
Methods. The research employs a combination of theoretical and methodological analysis of relevant scholarly publications, alongside empirical data gathered through a questionnaire survey administered to teachers.
Results. The study identifies a high demand for soft skills among graduates for successful employment and professional development. It further analyzes the existing challenges in the educational process regarding the development of career-critical skills and proposes strategies to overcome them.
Scientific novelty. This study introduces a novel approach to modifying instructional elements within the educational process. The proposed approach emphasizes the use of contemporary pedagogical tools that actively stimulate the development of soft skills in university students while they learn a foreign language.
Practical significance. The proposed framework outlines the purposeful utilization of diversified means for soft skill development. This framework will empower educators to optimize the educational process, aligning it with the evolving requirements of the industry.