Dr. Sci. (Philisophy), Professor
Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Introduction. The model of assessing the competence of teachers has a direct impact on the effectiveness and efficiency of the entire education system. Currently, pedagogical science defines a methodological approach to the content and procedure for assessing the competence of teachers of educational organisations, as well as a methodological guideline characterising the specifics of pedagogical work in the field of vocational education. The assessment of the competence of teachers of vocational education organisations should also be guided by these specifics. However, the discussion of the assessment tools used in practice and proposed in publications indicates the problematic nature of the methodological foundations selected for it.
The aim of the article is to identify the problematic aspects of methodological foundations for assessing the competence of teachers of vocational education organisations and to argue in favour of those foundations that would lead to a consensus among all stakeholders.
The methodology of the study is a comparative and analytical review, a critical rethinking of the methodological foundations of modern theory and practice of assessing the competence of teachers of vocational education organisations.
Results. The existing list of methodological foundations for assessing the competence of teachers of vocational education organisations should be improved. The results of the included (immanent) monitoring of the sphere of vocational education and the labour market together with digital tracking of teachers’ professional activity and matching of their skills should be taken into account.
The scientific novelty consists in a reasoned proposal of ways to further improve the theory and practice of assessing the competence of teachers of vocational education organisations.
The practical significance consists in a reasoned proposal of such ways to further improve the theory and practice of assessing the competence of teachers of vocational education organisations, which are currently used by the most advanced personnel services of enterprises in the real sector of the economy.
Funding. The study was funded by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation as an implementation of the state task “Development of a model for the formation and improvement of the skills of teaching staff, including the development of a methodology for modern assessment of the professional competence of teaching staff of the vocational education system based on monitoring of the educational sphere and the labour market” (applied research, No. 073-00104-22-01).
Introduction. The social and economic development of a country or a specific region is accompanied by the development of creative industries, which are gaining increasing importance not only in people’s everyday lives, but also as an important and stimulating sector of the economy. However, there is currently no established understanding of the organisation of human resources in this important sector of the economy, which is a relevant socio-economic and pedagogical problem. The first and necessary step in solving this problem is the conceptual definition of the creative industries themselves, which many specialists discuss. It is time to draw some conclusions.
Aim. The identification of guidelines for organizing the training of personnel for creative industries is based on the conceptual definition of the creative industries as a distinct sector of the economy implementing a unique scenario of socio-economic reproduction.
Methods. In the course of the research, various methods such as explication of meanings, conceptual analysis, discourse analysis, reflexive integration, conceptual reconstruction, and theoretical modelling were utilised. Additionally, communication with practitioners and theorists of creative industries played a significant role in the study.
Results. The study showed that creative industries are a constant component of socio-economic reproduction in any era, mediating the transition to industrial (mass and standardized) reproduction of some results of cultural creativity. This sector of the economy, which is transitional in nature and essence, has become rapidly widespread in the last two centuries, which continues today. The organisation of personnel training for creative industries is itself a sector within the creative industries, originating from private initiatives and depending on them for support. Over time, this type of training may either diminish in its local iterations or evolve into a standardized, mass-produced mode of personnel training.
Scientific novelty lies in identifying the specifics of creative industries not by the characteristics of their products and/or the technologies used in them, which is the predominant approach, but by the nature of their dominant type of labour.
Practical significance. The identified guidelines will allow organisers of personnel training for creative industries to choose their strategy based not only on compliance with existing requirements, standards, and benchmarks, but also on creating conditions for the expression of creativity in students, their willingness to take justified creative risks, and their accountability for the outcomes.