ISSN 2307-4264 (Print) ISSN 2712-9268 (Online)

The 4th issue of the magazine was out of print. We read, discuss, share with colleagues


Subjects of the articles: optimization of the educational process in vocational education, assessment of the effectiveness of education, online training, training of artisans, entrepreneurial thinking, vocational education abroad, expert competence and branding of the university, employment problems


Theory. Methodology
Dorozhkin E.M., Bychkova E.Yu.
Methodological approaches to the formation of the legal readiness of future artisans for professional activities
Dudina M.N.
Self-actualization of personality in online learning: pedagogical potential and risks
Digitalization. Online learning
Tsvetkova S.E., Mineeva O.A.
Features of a distance course in a foreign language in a blended learning environment at a university
Secondary vocational education
Lomakina T.Yu., Vasilchenko N.V.
On the problem of teaching entrepreneurial thinking and activities in the system of secondary vocational education

Buldakova N.V., Popova M.V.
Formation of professional competencies among college students (profession 38.01.02 Seller, controller-cashier)