ISSN 2307-4264 (Print) ISSN 2712-9268 (Online)


Найдено: 4

Vectors of updating the content of vocational pedagogical education
Konovalov A. A.   Lyzhin A. I.  
principles of professional training, deadlines, and focus on close interaction with participants of the real sector of the economy require a qualitatively different approach to the educational process. Methods

On the way to agile-professionalitet
Dubickiy V. V.   Aleksandr G. K.   Neumyvakin V. .   Feoktistov A. .  
normative legal acts, their projects, speeches and publications of officials and researchers-educators, economists, sociologists; (2) of conceptual integration, concretisation and development of the explicated foundations

Work-based learning as the main trend in the international practice of vocational education and training
Muraveva A. A.   Oleinikova O. N.  
quality and efficiency of the work force that would be adequate to the challenges of the knowledge economy and Industry 4.0. It is concluded that the added value of work-based learning in the form of apprenticeships