ISSN 2307-4264 (Print) ISSN 2712-9268 (Online)

On the issue of the list of secondary vocational education teachers’ necessary skills

Introduction. The growing and diverse requirements for the VET teacher’s qualification have determined the subject of this article—possible solutions to the problem of the VET teacher’s necessary skills list. The aim of this article is to analyze different approaches to the formation of the VET teacher’s necessary skills list and suggest ways to solve the problem in order to improve the quality of the teacher’s training system and professional development in Russian colleges and technical schools. Methods. Analysis of scientific publications, documents in the field of education and labor, generalization and systematization of the findings. Results. Different approaches to the formation of the VET teacher’s skills list have been identified, which do not focus on specific pedagogical qualifications, but instead are formed around pedagogical activity in general or an ideal generalized portrait of a modern teacher, which makes it difficult to apply the proposed lists of skills in the teacher’s training system and professional development or to improve the procedures for assessing professional pedagogical qualifications. The approach of functional analysis and level description of the requirements of professional and pedagogical activity with subsequent division into specific qualifications is proposed. The approach is instrumental in VET teacher’s training, professional development, career growth and an objective assessment of their qualifications. Practical significance. The results of the study can be used in the formation and development of a modern professional and pedagogical personnel training system and further professional education for VET teachers. Funding. The research was carried out with the financial support of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation as part of the state task «Development of a model for the formation and improvement of the skills of teaching staff, including the development of a methodology for modern assessment of the professional competence of VET teaching staff based on monitoring the educational sphere and the labour market»

For citation:

Esenina, E. Y., & Konovalov, A. A. (2022). On the issue of the list of secondary vocational education teachers’ necessary skills. Vocational Education and Labour Market, 10(3), 6–20. https://doi.org/10.52944/PORT.2022.50.3.009