ISSN 2307-4264 (Print) ISSN 2712-9268 (Online)

Entrepreneurial competencies in vocational education and training: international experience

Introduction. Entrepreneurship education is becoming a soft skill requirement that can be  integrated into VET programmes, provide practical understanding of  industry and skills, develop entrepreneurial thinking, ability to identify opportunities, take risks and adapt to change, bridge the gap between education and employment, create jobs and stimulate economic growth, providing social and economic mobility. 

The aim of the study is to identify the features and structural elements of entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial competencies in the VET system at the individual, institutional and system level. 

Methods. The basis was formed by elements of socio-economic modelling, structuring and systematisation, case-study method, and interdisciplinary approach applied for modelling the ecosystem of entrepreneurship education. 

Results. The content of entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial method in the VET system as well as the essence of entrepreneurship as a method of introducing innovations and values was reimagined, the factors of entrepreneurial thinking were presented, the content of entrepreneurship education ecosystem was determined. 

Scientific novelty lies in the identification of models of entrepreneurship education, the content of teachers’ competencies and the framework for entrepreneurship education in terms of organisation of training in the VET system. 

Practical significance. The findings and recommendations can be used in terms of development of  the content of  training and professional development programmes for teachers, training models, as well as the creation of innovative sites of workplace learning and organisational innovation at the institutional level and the creation of educational environment.

For citation:

Oleynikova, O. N., Redina, Y. N., & Viktorova, A. (2024). Entrepreneurial competencies in vocational education and training: international experience. Vocational Education and Labour Market, null(2), 79–94. https://doi.org/10.52944/PORT.2024.57.2.005