Candidate of Science (History), Docent
Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Introduction. The dynamics of challenges and risks faced by the Russian vocational education system requires a search for answers in a broader context, including changes in approaches to labour market regulation and improving the content of vocational education.
Аim. To identify elements of the domestic experience of assessing the competence of pedagogical personnel that have the potential to be updated in the process of developing a methodology for assessing the results of teachers’ activities adequate to modern challenges, aimed at forming socially significant competencies of graduates of vocational education organisations.
Methods. Analysis of scientific publications and historical sources in the field of education and labour using historical-genetic and systematic methods, generalization and systematization of the findings.
Results. The expert opinions recorded in domestic publications and archival materials of the 1970s and 1980s were analysed. The reasons for the relative lag in the late Soviet period between the development of methods for assessing socially significant learning outcomes from professional ones were identified; scientific approaches to solving this problem were outlined in the course of the activities of the research laboratory “Problems of optimising the training of engineering and pedagogical personnel” as well as possible ways of their actualization in solving these problems.
Practical significance. The results of the study can be used in the process of modernization of the system of training of professional and pedagogical personnel in Russia.
Funding. The article was carried out within the framework of the state task of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation “Development of a model for the formation and improvement of the skills of teaching staff, including the development of a methodology for modern assessment of the professional competence of teaching staff of the vocational education system based on monitoring of the educational sphere and the labour market” (applied research, No. 073-00104-22-01).
The problem of “turnover» of industrial personnel in the late 1940s is essential for studying the choice of the path of development of postwar Soviet society, so its individual aspects have repeatedly attracted the attention of researchers. The purpose of this article is to investigate two variants of proposals to solve the problem of personnel turnover (originating from the USSR Ministry of Labour Reserves and Gosplan). Using comparative-historical and systemic methods, the differences in some approaches to its solution are identified, and it is shown that the fate of the projects was largely determined by the tendencies of situational struggle in the Soviet leadership. The results of the study may be useful in the process of studying history (including the history of vocational education) of the second half of the 1940s.
Introduction. Creation of the State labour reserves in the 1940s was accompanied by the formation of an “official portrait” of its student. The deviations from it (the “informal portrait”) did not just turn into private deviations, but became a socio-political phenomenon that threatened the most important technologies of social management.
The aim of the research is to characterise the mechanisms of implementation and limitations of the potential for renewal of the State labour reserves system in the 1940- 1950s, based on the manifestations of the “informal portrait” of students.
Methods. The theory of modernisation and the actor-based approach associated with the activities of the educational bureaucracy in the formation of new social practices and relations were used as a methodology. In characterising the interaction of the educational bureaucracy with students of the labour reserves, O. Leibovich’s concept of social conventions that ensure the coexistence in a group of people oriented toward different values was used.
Results. The main types of deviations and manifestations of the “informal” behavior of students that are considered are: runaways, criminal behavior, students’ appeals inside and outside the State labour reserves system. The following conclusions are substantiated: that the renewal took place mainly at the lower and regional levels of the state labour reserve system and was forced and «reactive» in nature and, ultimately, contributed to the humanisation of the system, its slow transformation from a mobilisation and order system into a training and production one.
Scientific novelty. For the first time, the influence of the “informal portrait” of students on the potential for updating the system of State labour reserves was posed as a research problem.
Theoretical significance. The results of the study can be applied in the study of the evolution of the system of vocational education.