ISSN 2307-4264 (Print) ISSN 2712-9268 (Online)


Найдено: 25

Educational potential of hands-on training sessions
Galanina M. A.   Gaineev E. .  

Work-based learning as the main trend in the international practice of vocational education and training
Muraveva A. A.   Oleinikova O. N.  
The subject of the study comprises the current trends of the work-based learning due to the acceleration of changes in the content of labor and the complexity of professions

On the way to agile-professionalitet
Dubickiy V. V.   Aleksandr G. K.   Neumyvakin V. .   Feoktistov A. .  
Professionalism” initiated by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, which has been implemented in pilot mode since 2021. The second topic is agile methodology, which has been proving its effectiveness

Educational trajectories of 9th grade graduates: Regional features
Bedareva L. .   Lomteva E. .  
Background. The recently changing interest in the system of secondary vocational education among young people, especially among graduates of 9th

Teachers’ emotional burnout in the “ineffective” university
Ostapenko I. A.   Krylova M. .  
effective” and “inefficient”. Falling into the “ineffective” category and subsequent changes in the team work become traumatic factors for the teachers. Objective. Analysis of the emotional state

Technologies for the prevention of the crisis of loss of profession in teachers of late age
Symanyuk E. E.   Pecherkina A. .   Bukovey T. .   Borisov G. .  
Background. Changes going on in the world such as an increase in life expectancy or an increase in the retirement age have caused a

Vectors of updating the content of vocational pedagogical education
Konovalov A. A.   Lyzhin A. I.  
project “Professionalitet”, the implementation of educational programmes of vocational education in previously known ways is no longer possible. Updated principles of professional training, deadlines