ISSN 2307-4264 (Print) ISSN 2712-9268 (Online)

The career guidance minimum: concept of the professional guidance system among 6th –11th grade students

Introduction. The purpose of this article is to examine the need for a career guidance minimum for organising career guidance systems for students in grades 6-11. It discusses the concept of professional self-determination support, challenges in implementing pedagogical support for professional self-determination, and the aims and principles of  the career guidance minimum. The article also establishes organisational and methodical conditions and possible work formats, as well as a model for career guidance with students in grades 6-11. 

The aim of the article is to justify the methodology of the career guidance minimum, its key organisational and methodical elements, and to  initiate academic discussions on the introduction of the career guidance minimum. 

Methods. The research methodology involved analysing factual sources and conceptual bases of the Federal Project “Career Guidance Minimum” through generalisation of current trends, concept analysis, and academic publications on career guidance counselling. 

Results. The article argues for the need to  introduce a  career guidance model that provides a set of career guidance events available to every child in Russian Federation. It  justifies the forms and contents of  this set and assesses the viability of  implementation of  career guidance model within school frameworks. The article also assesses an approach called “educational career guidance,” analyses risks of implementation, and provides methodological recommendations for implementing the career guidance minimum in schools.

Practical relevance. The article draws attention to the concept of introducing a career guidance minimum as  a uniform approach to  career guidance counselling in  Russia. It  benefits vocational and higher education establishments, employer undertakings, students and their families, and educational establishments that implement primary general and secondary general educational programmes.

For citation:

Kuznetsov, K. , Ziborova, L. , & Neumyvakin, V. (2023). The career guidance minimum: concept of the professional guidance system among 6th –11th grade students. Vocational Education and Labour Market, null(3), 62–81. https://doi.org/10.52944/PORT.2023.54.3.004