ISSN 2307-4264 (Print) ISSN 2712-9268 (Online)

Mutual mentoring asa condition transformation of competencies in the VET system

Introduction. The domestic vocational school is currently undergoing modernisation due to the growing shortage of workers, the introduction of the “professionalitet” project, and the need for accelerated training of workers in conditions of more effective interaction between colleges and enterprises. In these conditions, a dual approach is becoming one of the leading vectors for training workers, and mutual representation – one of the main conditions for the success of competency transformation. 

Aim. To demonstrate the relevance to modern vocational education, including professionalitet programs, of the results of an experiment on the training of highly qualified workers in the process of competencies transformation through mutual representation involving a teacher from an educational institution, a mentor from an enterprise, and students. 

Methods. The total duration of the experiment, on the results of which the study was based, was 14 years (from 1995 to 2009). The study used methods such as analysing scientific literature, mentoring experience, conversations, surveys, questionnaires, pedagogical observations, systematisation and generalisation of results, timekeeping, and mathematical statistics. 

Results. A model has been developed, and organisational and pedagogical conditions have been determined for competency transformation through mutual mentoring using joint human, material, technical, and other resources to ensure the effectiveness of interaction between the educational institution and the relevant enterprise in joint training of highly qualified workers. 

Scientific novelty. The study proves that mutual mentoring in a personality-oriented approach based on dual interaction is one of the conditions for competency transformation in joint training in secondary vocational education system. 

Practical significance. The proposed model and organisational pedagogical conditions for competency transformation can be used by vocational educational organisations in the development of partnership programmes with employers aimed at joint training of highly demanded workers, including professional development programmes.

For citation:

Gaineev, E. , & Masalimova, A. (2023). Mutual mentoring asa condition transformation of competencies in the VET system. Vocational Education and Labour Market, null(3), 98–109. https://doi.org/10.52944/PORT.2023.54.3.006