The article focuses on the feasibility of assessing the extracurricular activities ofuniversity students with the implementation of a new generation of federal state educational standards of higher education. The scientific novelty of the research in developing methods for assessing students’ formation; competencies in extracurricular activities. The author describes the content, organizational and practical components of the methodology with a modern assessment tool — a case-meter. Experimental work on approbation of the methodology at Togliatti State University made it possible to assess the level of formation of the pedagogical group students’ universal competencies to formulate recommendations for their improvement. The author concluded that students’ regular assessment; competencies in extracurricular activities would positively impact their personal development. This article is addressed to educators, organizers and participants in extracurricular activities interested in the adequate preparation of future university graduates.
Ключевые слова:
higher education, competence-based approach, extracurricular activities of students, personal development, case-measuring, methodology, universal competencies.
10.24412/2307-4264- 2021-01-58-70