доктор педагогических наук, профессор
Российский государственный профессионально-педагогический университет (Екатеринбург)
Introduction. Taking into account the increasing need of the state for qualified workers and mid-level specialists, the requirements for the quality of training of a teacher of vocational education, who is directly responsible for the result of the educational process in the system of secondary vocational education, are also changing. Based on the integrative nature of the activity of a teacher of vocational education, which presupposes them mastering several components of training, special attention should be paid to industrial training. It can contribute to the practical development of the future subject area and is directly related to the field of professional activity of future graduates of secondary vocational education.
Аim. To find possible ways to improve industrial training as an independent and fullfledged component of vocational pedagogical education, taking into account its current state and identified problems.
Methods. Bibliographic analysis of scientific publications and the study of normative legal acts, synthesis of the information received, an inductive method for studying the place of industrial training in the preparation of a teacher of vocational training and the formulation of conclusions.
Results and scientific novelty. The conducted research made it possible to concretise the concepts of “industrial training” and “training of a teacher of vocational education in the profession of a worker (position of an employee)”; to determine the essential characteristics and current state of industrial training; to provide a description of the requirements for the training of a teacher of vocational education in the profession of a worker (position of an employee), taking into account the existing deficits in their industrial training. Potential ways of improvement of industrial training as a part of training of a teacher of vocational and pedagogical education were developed.
Practical significance. The results of the study can be used in the practice of educational institutions of higher education in the implementation of training programmes for teachers of vocational education.
Funding. The research was carried out within the framework of the state task of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation “Theory and Methodology of the Formation of a Content Update System in the Framework of Teacher Training in the Conditions of Transformation of the Russian Economy” (fundamental research, No. 073- 00104-22-01).
Introduction. As part of the improvement of practice-oriented foreign language training of an IT industry specialist in the system of secondary vocational education, the need for the formation of a foreign language skill focused on a professional foreign language context has become more acute. It is a necessary tool in the professional activity of a future IT specialist to perform real production operations with foreign-language teams.
Aim. Substantiation of the approach to the context-oriented foreign language skill as an necessary system-forming element in the training of IT specialists, which is, in turn, an integral system education consisting of interrelated components.
Methods. The methodological basis of the study was a systematic approach, which allowed to specify the characteristics of the concept of ‘context-oriented foreign language skill. Main research methods: analysis of scientific articles that study the algorithm for the formation of foreign language skills.
Results. The necessity of the presence of a foreign language skill in the maintenance of professional competence and labor function of a future IT-industry specialist is substantiated. The efficiency of the approach to a foreign language skill as an integral system education, the structure of which is formed by interrelated contextual, content, technological and activity components, is demonstrated by the example of a set of reference exercises “English for IT-specialist”.
Scientific novelty. The contextual component, which is not always taken into account when studying a foreign language for professional purposes, is considered as an obligatory system-forming factor in the formation of a foreign language skill.
Practical significance. The structure of the text-oriented foreign language skill presented in the article makes it possible to improve the professionally-oriented foreign language training of an IT-specialist within the framework of the discipline “Foreign language in the professional activity” introduced into the curriculum.
Introduction. The implementation of the federal project “ Professionalitet” in the system of secondary vocational education entails a series of changes in the preparation process of skilled workers and middle-level specialists. This necessity arises from significant reductions in training periods and deeper interaction between educational institutions and enterprises. The success of the project largely depends on the formation of the content of the professional cycle of educational programs, its structure, as well as the pedagogical conditions of implementation and timely identification of problems affecting its effectiveness.
Aim. To identify the problems of developing organizational and pedagogical conditions for training specialists in a college (technical school) when transitioning to educational programs in the context of professionalitet.
Methods. The methodological basis of the research comprised systemic, competencybased, personal-activity, and process approaches, enabling the identification of key problems in developing organizational and pedagogical conditions for implementing educational programs. Research methods included theoretical analysis of scientific literature, analysis of regulatory documents governing the training of skilled workers and middle-level specialists, synthesis of obtained information, and an inductive method when studying employer requirements for college (technical school) graduates.
Results. The ongoing modernization of secondary vocational education, associated with the implementation of the Professionalitet federal project aimed at enhancing the effectiveness of training middle-level specialists, is accompanied by problems in selecting the content of professional cycle disciplines and the technology of its implementation. The densification of the professional cycle, caused by the reduction of time in educational programs for its implementation, leads to problems related to: 1) transforming the content of training in this cycle, its structure, as well as justifying the forms, methods, and means of professional education; 2) striving to align educational programs for training middle-level specialists with labour market requirements outlined in professional standards and job descriptions; 3) selecting the content of an additional professional block in the professional cycle of shortened educational programs.
Scientific novelty. The study substantiates the socially pedagogical, scientifictheoretical, and methodological problem of identifying organizational and pedagogical conditions for training middle-level specialists in the implementation of an additional professional block within core professional educational programs under the Professionalitet project.
Practical significance. The obtained results can be used in developing core vocational educational programs for training middle-level specialists in metalworking.
Introduction. The scale of modernisation in secondary vocational education drives pedagogical science to seek optimal, practice-oriented models for integrating education and production. Together with their resources, they ensure an increase in the quality of professional training of qualified workers who are capable of effectively performing labour functions and are ready to arrange independent inclusion in production processes and effectively solve problems that arise. Combining these resources is feasible within an integrated educational-production environment of the college.
Aim. To justify and develop a structural-functional model of interaction between the college and social partners within an integrated educational-production environment.
Methods. Methods used include pedagogical modeling, studying innovative pedagogical practices, and analysing reference, encyclopedic, regulatory, and scientific literature related to the research topic.
Result. The concept of “integrated educational and production environment of a college” is specified. The social partners of the college were identified, whose resources form the basis of the integrated educational and production environment.
The scientific novelty lies in the development of a structural-functional model of interaction between the college and social partners within an integrated educational-production environment, highlighting the functional aspects of such interactions.
Practical significance. The study’s findings can serve as a guide for secondary vocational education institutions (colleges, technical schools) in identifying social partners and establishing mutually beneficial collaborations for training in-demand workers.