ISSN 2307-4264 (Print) ISSN 2712-9268 (Online)


Найдено: 23

Generative artificial intelligence in education: analysis of trends and prospects
Pospelova E. .   Ototsky P. .   Gorlacheva E. .   Fayzullin R. .  

Teachers’ emotional burnout in the “ineffective” university
Ostapenko I. A.   Krylova M. .  
category and subsequent changes in the team work become traumatic factors for the teachers. Objective. Analysis of the emotional state of teachers working in universities that have been declared “ineffective” in

Distance learning and digitalization of education in the assessments of students (based on the materials of the All-Russian selective supervision of Rosstat)
Tatyana V. P.  
to know the opinion of not only teachers and managers, but also the students themselves. Objective. Analysis and theoretical understanding of statistical data characterizing the attitude and assessments of students

Vectors of updating the content of vocational pedagogical education
Konovalov A. A.   Lyzhin A. I.  
sector of the economy require a qualitatively different approach to the educational process. Methods. Analysis of literature and international educational practices based on new approaches to the content of professional

Educational trajectories of 9th grade graduates: Regional features
Bedareva L. .   Lomteva E. .  
decisions for a timely decision to meet the demand both of the youth and of the employers. Objective. Analysis of the features of 9th grade graduates’ educational tracks “school — secondary vocational education

Work-based learning as the main trend in the international practice of vocational education and training
Muraveva A. A.   Oleinikova O. N.  
relies on the diachronic approach supported by the empiric methods of desk-top research such as systems analysis method and text analysis method, as well as elements of social engineering Theoretical novelty is in

The problem of the regional VET system staffing
Ekaterina Y. E.  
training, depending on the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation regions, based on the analysis of the general requirements for staffing the regional VET system and ways to obtain pedagogical qualifications