ISSN 2307-4264 (Print) ISSN 2712-9268 (Online)


Найдено: 20

Work-based learning as the main trend in the international practice of vocational education and training
Muraveva A. A.   Oleinikova O. N.  
current trends of the work-based learning due to the acceleration of changes in the content of labor and the complexity of professions, which often makes it difficult or even impossible to master new skills

Vectors of updating the content of vocational pedagogical education
Konovalov A. A.   Lyzhin A. I.  
previously known ways is no longer possible. Updated principles of professional training, deadlines, and focus on close interaction with participants of the real sector of the economy require a qualitatively

On the way to agile-professionalitet
Dubickiy V. V.   Aleksandr G. K.   Neumyvakin V. .   Feoktistov A. .  
two overlapping, according to the authors, topics. The first is the reasoning behind the appearance and prospects for the implementation of the project “Professionalism” initiated by the Ministry of Education

Distance learning and digitalization of education in the assessments of students (based on the materials of the All-Russian selective supervision of Rosstat)
Tatyana V. P.  
Background. To understand the consequences of an emergency transition to distance learning during a pandemic, it is important to know the opinion of

Trends in the development of vocational education and training: the EU context
Markelova Y. V.   Obryvkova N. O.   Redina Y. N.   Oleynikova O. N.