ISSN 2307-4264 (Print) ISSN 2712-9268 (Online)


Найдено: 16

Neurotechnologies and the Development of Subjectivity of Students and Teachers in Inclusive Education
Гриднева С. В.   Сетяева Н. Н.   Арпентьева (Минигалиева) М. Р.   Тащёва А. И.   Хотеева Р. И.  

Work-based learning as the main trend in the international practice of vocational education and training
Muraveva A. A.   Oleinikova O. N.  
The subject of the study comprises the current trends of the work-based learning due to the acceleration of changes

The problem of the regional VET system staffing
Ekaterina Y. E.  
Background. Growing requirements for qualification of VET teaching staff determined the subject of this article—the study of features and mechanisms of the regional VET system staffing. The article

Problems of modernisation of professional and vocational pedagogical education: A panoramic approach
Zeer E. F.  
implementation. The logic of the search and construction of the study determined the methodology. Subject-oriented learning with its main characteristics being self-determination, self-actualisation, transpersonalisation