ISSN 2307-4264 (Print) ISSN 2712-9268 (Online)


Found: 58

Vectors of updating the content of vocational pedagogical education
Konovalov A. A.   Lyzhin A. I.  
Background. Due to the entry of Russian colleges into the federal project “Professionalitet”, the implementation of educational programmes of vocational education in

Pedagogical training of secondary vocational education teachers
Kubrushko P. .   Shingareva M. .   Atapina Y. .  
education. The report contains provisions that can be taken into account by managers and specialists of federal and regional education management bodies when forming policies and making current decisions aimed at

Educational trajectories of 9th grade graduates: Regional features
Bedareva L. .   Lomteva E. .  
educational tracks “school — secondary vocational education” in various regions of the Russian Federation. Methods. The study is based on the study of data that was being obtained from the federal statistical

On the way to agile-professionalitet
Dubickiy V. V.   Aleksandr G. K.   Neumyvakin V. .   Feoktistov A. .  
implementation of the project “Professionalism” initiated by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, which has been implemented in pilot mode since 2021. The second topic is agile methodology, which

Personal qualities and learning success of studentspreventologists: Psychological aspect
Krutko I. .   Popova N. V.   Senuk Z. .   Ponomarev A. .  

The problem of the regional VET system staffing
Ekaterina Y. E.  
transformation processes in the context of the uneven socio-economic development of the Russian Federation regions”, p. 3 “Development of staffing models for vocational education and training depending on