The relevance of the study is dictated by the need to bring quality training to the requirements of modern innovative growing company by improving the training content in terms of effective interaction of education and production based on dual approach. This implies regular joint adjustment of curricula, programs and bringing the content of training in line with the dynamic changes in the professionally significant qualities of the personality of the modern worker and the types of his professional activities. The article presents an integrative structure forming almost mastered expertise and modern working model of the structure of the content gradual training throughout the educational process: from vocational guidance and adaptation to graduate in the proceedings conducted in the effective interaction between craftsmen vocational training school and the mentor of the enterprise. The aim of the study is to determine the method of optimal selection of the content of training that contributes to the preparation of a competitive graduate with readiness and ability to work in the conditions of modern production. The leading approaches to research-dual-sets a fundamentally different principle of designing the content of training, personality-oriented, which is based on individualization of training and hi gh motivation of all sides of the educational process. The results of the study allow us to outline the prospects for further development of advanced learning methods.
Ключевые слова:
skilled worker, training content, competencies, dual training, master of vocational training, mentor, secondary vocational education.
10.24412/2307-4264- 2021-01-36-47