Introduction. At the end of 2022, the academic and pedagogical community around the world was concerned about the launch of ChatGPT, a chatbot with artificial intelligence and extensive automatic text generation capabilities, which were instantly and effectively tested by individual students, but for not the noblest purposes. Along with the concern, an understanding appeared that the matter of the pedagogical capabilities of ChatGPT for the development of cognitive activity of students is extremely relevant and requires careful study, and the use of artificial intelligence in education opens up many prospects.
Aim. To investigate the pedagogical opportunities of neural networks, exemplified by ChatGPT, for the development of cognitive activity of higher education students.
Methods. Theoretical sociological methods (analysis, synthesis, generalisation, induction, and deduction) and general scientific methods of empirical research (pedagogical observation, description, survey).
Results. The research provides a definition of the concept “cognitive activity.” Pedagogical opportunities of using ChatGPT for cognitive activity development are identified, especially those related to information search, perception, and processing: fostering critical thinking, creativity, cognitive interest, motivation to learn, reflexivity, and skills development related to individual disciplines. The advantages and disadvantages of using ChatGPT in the educational process are studied.
Scientific novelty. At present, numerous studies focus on the application of neural networks in various fields, yet the use of such networks in education is a relatively new direction. This work aims to identify new approaches to teaching and fostering cognitive activity of students, ultimately enhancing the effectiveness of education.
Practical significance. The investigation of the pedagogical potential of ChatGPT for the development of cognitive activity in students has practical significance for refining teaching and education methods, devising new educational models, and improving the quality of education and cognitive skills development of students. The research findings can be utilised by educators, curriculum designers, and technology developers to enhance existing teaching methods, create new ones, and broaden the boundaries of knowledge. Furthermore, the research results can be applied to the development of intellectual systems.
Introduction. Over the past decade, there has been a steady increase in state and public attention to the problems of professional orientation in Russia. The specifics of career guidance work with children and youth require the allocation of a new distinct area of career guidance, educational career guidance, which differs in its goals, content, principles, forms, and methods from other areas such as advisory and influencing career guidance.
Aim. To present a brief systematic description of educational career guidance as one of the modern paradigms of career guidance work.
Methods. The author’s ten-year research work in this field was based on a wide range of theoretical and empirical methods, including conceptualisation, large-scale experimental work in various regions of the Russian Federation, pedagogical forecasting.
Results. A holistic scientific concept of educational career guidance as a distinct professional orientation paradigm has been formed. A scientific description of the goals and results, principles, and tools of educational career guidance is presented.
Scientific novelty. The differentiation of educational career guidance relative to other professional orientation paradigms—advisory and influencing—is substantiated. Deep interrelation of educational career guidance with the idea of lifelong learning is shown.
Practical significance. A complex of effective forms and methods of educational career guidance has been formed. Innovative regional models ensuring effectiveness of the support of the professional self-determination of children and youth are presented. An approach to solving the personnel problem in educational career guidance is outlined.
Introduction. High school students are expected to define themselves in terms of vocational preference. Having estimated their readiness for self-determination, it is possible to allocate different groups, with specific psychological and pedagogical support for each group.
Aim. To identify differences in readiness for professional self-determination between finalists of professionally-oriented contests and their peers not participating in analogous events.
Methods. Quantitative data analysis on the basis of the test kit “Professional readiness” (or “How I Choose a Profession”) developed by the team of researchers of the Center for Testing and Development “Humanitarian Technologies” was applied.
Results. The level of psychological readiness for professional self-determination among adolescents-finalists of the WorldSkills contests of professional competence and among the adolescents-finalists of The National Technology Initiative Contest by many indicators is higher compared to their peers, students of 8–11th grades of secondary school, who did not participate in these contests.
Scientific novelty. The adolescents, finalists of professionally-oriented contests, compared with their peers who did not take part in such competitions have higher scores on self-esteem and independence scales; they know more about professions and the Russian education system; they have fewer stereotypes and misconceptions about choosing a profession; they took more steps towards professional self-determination.
Practical significance. The results of the study can be applied by psychologists, class teachers, tutors, teachers of additional education in career guidance, consulting and educational work with schoolchildren and their parents.
Introduction. At present, research-based learning is one of the most popular contemporary training methods for secondary vocational education teachers. The paper shows the possibility of using one of these technologies, namely corpus-based learning, for the formation of professionally significant competencies.
Aim. To describe the technology of using corpus data to train documentary linguistics students.
Methods. The analysis of regulatory and legal documentation, as well as educational and methodological literature was carried out. The tools of corpus linguistics were used as teaching tools, namely: distributive analysis for characterizing the combinability of words, quantitative analysis for determining the frequency of words and phrases in general and in a particular type of texts. In addition, a content analysis of students’ research works was carried out.
Results. The article provides evidence of the effectiveness of corpus-based learning for the formation of students’ research and language competencies. This technology also allows one to expand the repertoire of students’ skills and knowledge, and stimulate intra-activity motivation of learning.
Scientific novelty. The article is the first one to describe the technology of applying methods of corpus linguistics to teaching documentary linguistics, and even to form communicative competence among documentary linguistics students — future teachers of the secondary vocational education system.
Practical significance. The results of the study can be used to train vocational education teachers and to teach documentary linguistics.
Introduction. The relevance of the study is connected to the decrease in the motivation of MA students majoring in Economics to improve professionally oriented foreign language communicative competence in a situation of limited international cooperation. The motivation in this case can be stimulated by engaging in research activities, where success is largely due to knowledge of foreign languages.
Aim. To analyse the results of the implementation of the research article writing technology in the educational process and to reveal its potential in increasing the motivation of MA students to learn a professional foreign language.
Methods. Questionnaires, interviews, a survey, and analytical method, as well as elementary statistical methods of processing the data obtained were used. First year MA students of the Ural State University of Economics (60 participants) took part in the survey.
Results. Only one third of the respondents consider English to be an important factor, contributing to their professional development. When assessing the implementation of the educational technology “research article writing” in the learning process, the absolute majority of the respondents recognised this experience as useful because of the possibility to consider issues of their professional interest by means of a foreign language.
Scientific novelty. The potential of writing a scientific article as a motivation for students to learn foreign languages in conditions of limited international cooperation is demonstrated.
Practical significance. The results obtained provide a strategy for increasing the motivation of MA students to learn a professional foreign language.
Introduction. The demand for graduates in the labour market is one of the important criteria for the social well-being of young people, as well as assessing the quality of educational services provided by an educational institution. Due to the digitalization of socio-economic processes, employers have to adjust the requirements for graduates, thus updating the issues of practical training of IT-specialists. Changing demands of the labour market should provide a basis for the transformation of educational programs in the context of practice-oriented learning model.
Aim. To present a model for assessing the practice orientation of the main educational programmes of secondary vocational education, taking into account changes in the labour market and employers’ requirements for graduates.
Methods. Bibliographic analysis of scientific publications on the research topic, analysis of the data from the websites of online recruiting services, analysis of existing educational programmes for training IT specialists.
Results. A model of criteria for assessing the practical orientation of the main vocational educational programmes for training IT specialists was formulated. The issues of the continuity of educational programmes in the systems of secondary vocational education and higher education are considered.
Scientific novelty. The multifactorial nature of the presented model for assessing the practical orientation of educational programmes allows for consideration of the changes in the requirements of the labour market.
Practical significance. A model proposed to assess the practical orientation of basic professional educational programs is available for external evaluation of the quality of graduates’ training, as well as for self-evaluation of educational institutions.
Introduction. The study of the relationship between cognitive and personal prerequisites that determine the success of the educational activities of students-preventologists becomes more and more relevant due to digitalisation, the need to transform education, and the transition to innovative learning models. The problem of determining learning and the factors that determine its success is one of the classic problems for any level of education. The discovery of effective learning strategies for students is relevant for substantiating further models of the educational process.
Aim. To study the relationship between cognitive and personal prerequisites that determine the success of the educational activities of students-preventologists.
Methods. The results of an empirical study (2021) are presented. The sample consisted of 74 people, mainly MA students from the department of “Organization of work with youth”, Ural Federal University. Among the methods used were Myers–Briggs Type Indicator, adapted by E. F.Abelskaya, Wonderlic Personnel Test–Quicktest (WPT–Q), and the Universal Intellectual Test (UIT SCH-M). The data obtained were processed using the method of mathematical statistics (Spearman correlation analysis, analysis of variance).
Results. The progress of students-preventologists depends on a number of intellectual characteristics and is determined by certain personality traits that are typical for specialists in helping professions. The student’s personality type is a mediating link to their success: the most successful in learning are such psychotypes as Initiator, Intermediary, Keeper, Politician, Humanist, Mentor, and Enthusiast.
Scientific novelty. The progress of students is due to a number of intellectual characteristics and is only indirectly determined by personality traits. It has been established that people of each personality type in the educational process chooses their own strategy for solving problems in connection with their intellectual characteristics, which indicates the presence of specific strategies for achieving success in learning.
Practical significance. The results of the study provide an opportunity to personalize recommendations for improving the success of academic activities of students, considering the personality type.
Introduction. Due to the increasing intensity of teachers’ work, it is advisable to pay special attention to traumatic psycho-emotional consequences, which include emotional burnout that has a noticeable negative impact on the health of the individual.
Aim. To identify the possible impact of the emotional burnout syndrome on the overall well-being of secondary school teachers.
Methods. The study is based on the results of the testing conducted according to the techniques “Burnout Questionnaire (MMI)” and “Index of general (good) well-being” (WHO5, Well-Being Index, WHO). Statistical analysis (SPSS Statistics version 22) and Spearman's nonparametric correlation method were used to interpret the test results.
Results. A moderate direct relationship between emotional burnout and the general well-being of the individual was revealed. It is noted that emotional burnout affects the overall well-being of teachers, the consequences of which are deterioration of the general well-being, decreased activity, increased anxiety, emotional exhaustion.
Scientific novelty. Possible impact of emotional burnout on the general well-being of an individual was studied in the context of emotional and physical well-being of a modern secondary school teacher.
Practical significance. The obtained results can be used in the development of programmes for the prevention and correction of the consequences of emotional burnout of teachers.
Introduction. Due to the imposition of sanctions and the development of import substitution at Russian enterprises, not only is the nomenclature of the equipment used changing, but in many cases the technological processes are also changing. This is a serious challenge to adapt to the new economic conditions by realigning with compatible equipment and technologies.
Aim: to define the degree of readiness of Russian educational organisations implementing secondary vocational education programmes to solve the problems of renewal and import substitution, based on the data obtained during an empirical study.
Methods. Empirical data were collected using an electronic questionnaire form, which included 22 closed questions. The processing of the obtained primary results was carried out on the basis of cluster analysis.
Results. It has been revealed that vocational education organisations are not adequately prepared to address the issue of updating equipment in the context of the achievement of technological sovereignty by the Russian Federation. The contribution of employers to the process of updating equipment in educational institutions turned out to be significantly less than expected. The use of certain management strategies by an educational organisation has little effect on the quality of its material and technical support. The key determinant is its location in a financially prosperous region and access to regional sources of financing.
Scientific novelty. The nature and degree of influence of various factors on the effectiveness of equipment renewal and import substitution processes in educational organisations implementing secondary vocational education programmes are revealed. The differences in the created conditions and management strategies used by educational organisations to solve logistical problems (diversification of financing channels, cooperation with employers, import substitution planning, personnel training) are characterised.
Practical significance. A set of conditions and management strategies have been defined to ensure an increase in the efficiency of equipment renewal and import substitution processes. The current problem areas in the management of material and technical support of the secondary vocational education system are identified.
Introduction. The current stage of the development of the educational process is associated with the active development of various types of digital tools, resources and services, under the influence of which methods and learning goals are transformed. Excessive attention to digital educational tools, their convergent nature, insufficient scientific reflection on the processes of digital transformation and the uncertainty of terminology are factors due to which changes in the human (didactic) component of the educational process remain in the shadows.
Aim: to substantiate the significance of born-digital pedagogical technologies as one of the central categories of modern didactics.
Methods. A set of empirical and theoretical methods was used, including analysis of literary sources, participant observation, problematisation, analysis and synthesis, classification and systematisation.
Results. A detailed description of the phenomenon of ‘born-digital pedagogical technologies’, which is in the relationship of convergence with digital products (Ed Tech) through which there are being realised is given.
Scientific novelty. Approaches to the classification of born-digital pedagogical technologies are proposed. The idea of instrumental and supra-instrumental borndigital pedagogical technologies is introduced.
Practical significance. The possible bifurcation in the development of the teacher’s professional activity model in the context of digital transformation is demonstrated: either the preservation of the traditional multifunctional pedagogical position or its reduction to the role of an ‘operator’ of digital tools. The lack of attention to born-digital pedagogical technologies serves as a factor that amplifies the risk of such reduction.
Introduction. In historical terms, the convergence of pedagogical and production factors, ‘laws of production’ and ‘laws of pedagogy’ and, finally, pedagogical and technical knowledge has always been a stumbling block in solving the problem of preparing a person for work and professional activity. Historical logical analysis provides an opportunity for a holistic vision of this interaction, which, in turn, allows using its laws in the modern practice of vocational education, which includes all stages of professional development- option, professional training, adaptation, professionalisation, professional excellence.
The aim of the study is to develop a heuristic base for studying on the basis of historical and pedagogical analysis the problem of convergence of pedagogical and production factors as the most important tool for improving the educational and spatial environment and the personal and professional development of its subjects.
Methods. The study used theoretical and methodological analysis of the semantic and meaningful content of the subject field of research, synthesis of the information received, inductive method in the study of the convergence of pedagogical and production factors. The starting methodological point of the study is the idea of dialectical dualism, which recognises the equivalence of opposites.
Results. The heuristic foundations for the development of the convergence of pedagogical and production factors have been laid as the leading mechanism for improving the system of vocational training, as well as a toolkit for the phylogenetic and ontogenetic development of a person.
Scientific novelty. A scientific hypothesis about the leading role of the convergence of pedagogical and production factors in the historical and individual development of a person is proposed.
Practical significance. The results of the study can be used by teachers and heads of educational institutions to improve teaching and upbringing methods.
Introduction. The creation of the State labour reserves in the 1940s was accompanied by the formation of a specific socio-cultural environment that, to date, remains practically unexplored. At the same time, many elements of the subculture were quite distinct from the official image of a student formed by the labour reserves system.
Aim. To identify sociocultural markers, i.e. the most significant characteristics of the subculture, which make it possible to characterise the typical features of the official and informal portrait of students in the state labour reserves.
Methods. The study employed a subcultural approach that emphasised the commonality of intra-subcultural worldview foundations that perform a “fastening” function of integrating students of state labour reserves into a single and sustainable education. The study used: 1) historical-comparative and historical-system methods aimed at reconstructing the image of a student of the state labour reserves; 2) the synthesis of macro and micro approaches to historical research aimed at identifying the behavioural practices of an individual in a social group; 3) sociological research methods that allow revealing the content essence of the markers of the portrait of students, identified on the basis of the analysis of various sources (official documents, egodocuments, works of fiction, visual and other historical sources).
Results. Indicators are proposed for the reconstruction of the “formal” and “informal” portrait of students in the system of state labour reserves (1940-1950s) through the use of four categories of socio-cultural markers (socio-demographic characteristics, cultural values and mental characteristics, behavioural practices and appearance), allowing to recreate the image of students as representatives of the youth subculture in a more succinct manner.
Scientific novelty. The basis for the reconstruction of the socio-cultural portrait of students of the state labour reserves in the 1940s-1950s is presented in the optics of markers of “formal” and “informal”.
Practical significance. The results of the study can be applied in the study of the evolution of the system of vocational education.
Introduction. As part of the improvement of practice-oriented foreign language training of an IT industry specialist in the system of secondary vocational education, the need for the formation of a foreign language skill focused on a professional foreign language context has become more acute. It is a necessary tool in the professional activity of a future IT specialist to perform real production operations with foreign-language teams.
Aim. Substantiation of the approach to the context-oriented foreign language skill as an necessary system-forming element in the training of IT specialists, which is, in turn, an integral system education consisting of interrelated components.
Methods. The methodological basis of the study was a systematic approach, which allowed to specify the characteristics of the concept of ‘context-oriented foreign language skill. Main research methods: analysis of scientific articles that study the algorithm for the formation of foreign language skills.
Results. The necessity of the presence of a foreign language skill in the maintenance of professional competence and labor function of a future IT-industry specialist is substantiated. The efficiency of the approach to a foreign language skill as an integral system education, the structure of which is formed by interrelated contextual, content, technological and activity components, is demonstrated by the example of a set of reference exercises “English for IT-specialist”.
Scientific novelty. The contextual component, which is not always taken into account when studying a foreign language for professional purposes, is considered as an obligatory system-forming factor in the formation of a foreign language skill.
Practical significance. The structure of the text-oriented foreign language skill presented in the article makes it possible to improve the professionally-oriented foreign language training of an IT-specialist within the framework of the discipline “Foreign language in the professional activity” introduced into the curriculum.
Introduction. The relevance of this study stems from the observed tendency in the labour market, where there is a shortage of specialised personnel in the IT field. Simultaneously, the practice of small start-ups and large IT companies reveals that a more acute management issue is the inefficiency of measures aimed at retaining newly hired specialised and qualified employees who would meet professional requirements and contribute significantly to enhancing the competitiveness of the organisation. The peak of employee layoffs occurs during their onboarding stage.
Aim. To identify and describe the key management processes that facilitate the successful onboarding of specialised employees into an IT company, as well as to establish criteria for assessing the effectiveness of implementing these processes.
Methods. Among the methods used were: secondary analysis of empirical research results, content analysis of scientific publications and specialised articles in open Internet sources.
Results. The significance of adopting a systematic and integrated approach to implementing the process of onboarding and retaining new specialised employees in an IT company is indicated. It is established that the process of integrating specialised employees into the organisation comprises two essential and interrelated managerial sub-processes: adaptation and probation. The criteria for assessing the effectiveness of key management processes that ensure the successful onboarding of specialised employees into an IT company are described.
Scientific novelty. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the highlighted key interrelated and complementary management processes of onboarding specialised employees into an IT company, as well as the criteria for their effectiveness that are identified and described.
Practical significance. The results of the study can be used by managers and specialists who ensure the processes of attracting and retaining specialised employees in an IT company.
Introduction. In the context of sanctions restrictions, ensuring the technological sovereignty of several sectors of the domestic economy has become crucial. Therefore, it is essential to align the volume and structure of training of mid-level specialists with the needs of economic development in the regions. Staffing the implementation of technological sovereignty projects is as important as the availability and large-scale dissemination of domestic technologies for their successful implementation.
The aim of the study is to analyse the compliance of the structure of training personnel with secondary vocational education with the needs of economic development in the framework of the implementation of technological sovereignty projects.
Methods. The study used a comparative analysis of the results of monitoring by the Federal Service for Labour and Employment on the employment of graduates who have completed secondary vocational education programmes, federal statistical observation data on the form of SPO-1 for 2017–2022, and materials of sociological surveys on the motives of employment of graduates of secondary vocational education. For greater clarity, the results are presented in the form of infographics.
Results. The study revealed significant imbalances between the volume and structure of training of mid-level specialists with the current and future needs of the economy in several subjects of the Russian Federation. The analysis also revealed regional heterogeneity in the employment of graduates of secondary vocational education and training programmes for mid-level specialists. Based on data on the needs of regional economies, the study estimated staffing needs for industries and formulated tasks for the system of secondary vocational education to train personnel for industries implementing technological sovereignty projects.
Practical significance. The findings can be used to make managerial decisions at both vocational education organisations and regional levels in terms of synchronising the training system of vocational education organisations in the labour market in the context of changing economy
Introduction. The changing requirements of jobs due to sanctions pressure and structural transformations of regional economies have created an urgent need for additional vocational education (AVE) and vocational training. It is important to match the training profile of employees with these changing requirements. This article focuses on the depth and direction of changes that have occurred in recent years in regional upskilling and retraining systems for personnel with applied qualifications, as well as their compliance with ongoing transformations in personnel demand in the labour markets.
The aim of the article is to describe the development trends of upskilling and retraining systems for personnel with applied qualifications in the context of transformations in the qualification demand in regional labour markets.
Methods. Information sources used in this study include Forms of the Federal Statistical Observation No. 1-PK, No. PO, No. SPO-1, No. SPO-2. Research tools used include indicators that characterise various aspects of the process and results of the implementation of programmes for further vocational education and professional training of personnel with applied qualifications in the observation period of 2019-2022.
Results. The study revealed an increase in the effective demand of the population for AVE programmes, which is one of the symptoms of the ongoing structural transformations of the Russian economy that determine the conversion of demand parameters for qualifications. These changes are specifically regional in nature, since not all sectors of the economy are being restructured, and this fact is not reflected in all segments of labour markets. The all-Russian trends are the blurring of boundaries between organisations of various types that implement additional programmes for professionals, as well as the insufficient use of AVE resources to strengthen the compliance of the quality of training with the requirements of jobs in the labour markets.
Scientific novelty. The study established general and specific (regionally determined) development trends of upskilling and retraining systems for personnel with applied qualifications. It also showed their discrepancy with the dynamics of changes in the qualification demand in the regional labour markets.
Practical significance. AVE and vocational training programmes can be used as an effective tool for “tuning” regional systems for training personnel with applied qualifications in accordance with the changing requirements of the labour markets.
Introduction. Over the past three decades, there has been a significant decline in the involvement of enterprises in the secondary vocational education system. This has led to the need for new management tools as traditional command-and-control methods have proven ineffective. To address this issue, comparative analysis of successful and unsuccessful interactions between foreign vocational education systems and enterprises is needed.
The aim of the article is to test the comparative analysis methodology on the example of three different countries, to identify successful and unsuccessful managerial solutions, implementation practices, and set of conditions and prerequisites.
Methods. The study was conducted in four stages using theoretical and methodological analysis, comparative analysis, hypotheses, evaluation, and generalisation methods. Management systems of countries sharing a number of characteristics with Russia were selected as objects of analysis: US, UK, and South Korea.
Results. Through comparative analysis of interaction process between vocational education systems and enterprises, a system of measures that creates favourable conditions for businesses, educational organisations, and students has been identified. This system includes a comprehensive set of managerial decisions: pedagogical (creating a set of practice-oriented educational standards and methodological support for their implementation), normative (detailed algorithm of behaviour for all parties involved, delineation of rights and responsibilities, description of dispute resolution methods to eliminate ambiguity in relationships), organisational (infrastructure of responsible government bodies, electronic platform solutions and consulting resources that provide supportive functions), and economic (developed economic model of interaction between parties, targeted funds, and subsidies for enterprise expenses).
Scientific novelty. The study has developed a theoretical and methodological management model for the interaction between pre-university vocational education systems and enterprises to train apprentices. It includes a set of pedagogical, regulatory, legal, organisational, and economic conditions.
Practical significance. The methodology for conducting international comparative analysis of state systems regulating the relations between vocational education and business has been developed and tested. Information on the key policy components to involve an enterprise into the personnel training process and into decision-making process within vocational education system has been obtained.
Introduction. The purpose of this article is to examine the need for a career guidance minimum for organising career guidance systems for students in grades 6-11. It discusses the concept of professional self-determination support, challenges in implementing pedagogical support for professional self-determination, and the aims and principles of the career guidance minimum. The article also establishes organisational and methodical conditions and possible work formats, as well as a model for career guidance with students in grades 6-11.
The aim of the article is to justify the methodology of the career guidance minimum, its key organisational and methodical elements, and to initiate academic discussions on the introduction of the career guidance minimum.
Methods. The research methodology involved analysing factual sources and conceptual bases of the Federal Project “Career Guidance Minimum” through generalisation of current trends, concept analysis, and academic publications on career guidance counselling.
Results. The article argues for the need to introduce a career guidance model that provides a set of career guidance events available to every child in Russian Federation. It justifies the forms and contents of this set and assesses the viability of implementation of career guidance model within school frameworks. The article also assesses an approach called “educational career guidance,” analyses risks of implementation, and provides methodological recommendations for implementing the career guidance minimum in schools.
Practical relevance. The article draws attention to the concept of introducing a career guidance minimum as a uniform approach to career guidance counselling in Russia. It benefits vocational and higher education establishments, employer undertakings, students and their families, and educational establishments that implement primary general and secondary general educational programmes.
Introduction. An important innovative trend in modern pedagogy is the personalisation of education, which involves creating a personal strategy for professional and life development. This strategy is built based on the development of skills and competencies necessary for each individual student, ensuring their successful entry into the field of professional activity. The subjective position of the student and teacher — the main participants in educational relations, and the development of subjectivity — is a leading attribute of personalisation, with the development of subjectivity being a key result of personalised education. As such, personalised learning and the development of personalised educational trajectories for students is an urgent task education is facing today, requiring a transition to new learning formats and systematic updating of pedagogical practices and evaluation of learning outcomes.
The aim of the article is to determine based on the results of theoretical and methodological analysis and experimental research how personalised education is related to the self-realisation of both the student and teacher. Specifically, the authors aim to establish the teacher’s readiness for self-actualisation and self-realisation in their professional activity in the context of personalised learning.
Methods. The study used theoretical and methodological analysis of the literature, as well as methods for studying predictors of subjectivity, including the level of development by A.M. Shchukina, the test of life orientations by D.A. Leontiev, the level of subjective control by E. F.Bazhin, E.A.Golynkina, A.M. Etkind, the type and level of professional self-realisation by E.A.Gavrilova. Statistical processing of the obtained results was carried out using descriptive statistics methods via the statistical information processing software package SPSS Statistics 21; correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis were conducted through a step-by-step method.
Results. The results showed positive relationships between indicators of subjectivity and the level of professional self-realisation of teachers, highlighting the influence of personalisation on a teacher’s professional self-realisation. Personalised education creates conditions for the development of subjectivity, with varying degrees of influence on individual components.
Scientific novelty. The process of transforming the education system using personalised learning is just beginning and requires further scientific and practical development.
Practical significance. The study of the effect subjectivity developed during personalised education has on the professional self-realisation of teachers can be applied in the study of the subjectivity of schoolchildren and students, representatives of other socioenomic professions, professions of other types, as well as in the study of other significant predictors of professional self-realisation
Introduction. The domestic vocational school is currently undergoing modernisation due to the growing shortage of workers, the introduction of the “professionalitet” project, and the need for accelerated training of workers in conditions of more effective interaction between colleges and enterprises. In these conditions, a dual approach is becoming one of the leading vectors for training workers, and mutual representation – one of the main conditions for the success of competency transformation.
Aim. To demonstrate the relevance to modern vocational education, including professionalitet programs, of the results of an experiment on the training of highly qualified workers in the process of competencies transformation through mutual representation involving a teacher from an educational institution, a mentor from an enterprise, and students.
Methods. The total duration of the experiment, on the results of which the study was based, was 14 years (from 1995 to 2009). The study used methods such as analysing scientific literature, mentoring experience, conversations, surveys, questionnaires, pedagogical observations, systematisation and generalisation of results, timekeeping, and mathematical statistics.
Results. A model has been developed, and organisational and pedagogical conditions have been determined for competency transformation through mutual mentoring using joint human, material, technical, and other resources to ensure the effectiveness of interaction between the educational institution and the relevant enterprise in joint training of highly qualified workers.
Scientific novelty. The study proves that mutual mentoring in a personality-oriented approach based on dual interaction is one of the conditions for competency transformation in joint training in secondary vocational education system.
Practical significance. The proposed model and organisational pedagogical conditions for competency transformation can be used by vocational educational organisations in the development of partnership programmes with employers aimed at joint training of highly demanded workers, including professional development programmes.
Introduction. The digital economy has led to the emergence of new forms of education and made information more accessible. As a result, the need for educational institutions to conduct marketing activities in order to promote their services has appeared. At the same time, the organisation, functioning process and management features of the marketing system of the university remain insufficiently studied.
The aim of the article is to systematise the developments in the field of research of the marketing complex of higher education organisations, to emphasise their relationship with the marketing assets of the university, and to describe the qualitative composition of the latter. To prepare recommendations for the integration of holistic marketing principles into the management process of the marketing system of the organisation, to justify the prospects and usefulness of such integration.
Methods. In the course of the research, theoretical methods of analysis and synthesis, methods of conceptual and figurative modelling were used, as well as the scripting method and the Foresight method.
Results. Scientific approaches to managing the marketing complex of educational organisations, which form their marketing assets, have been systematised.
Scientific novelty. The authors propose and justify transforming the approach to managing university marketing systems by integrating marketing management principles that link management decisions with the current state and dynamics of marketing assets.
Practical significance. The study offers practical ways to improve the quality of marketing assets available to educational organisations, which can increase the attractiveness of their offerings. The study also provides tools for predicting the potentially achievable results of modernisation efforts.
Introduction. Over recent decades, numerous dissertations have been defended, directly or indirectly related to the problems of adapting Chinese students to the Russian educational environment. The theoretical concepts and practical conclusions presented in these dissertations have not yet been analysed and presented in a comprehensive/project format.
The aim of the article is to justify the emerging behavioural and cultural model in the process of adapting Chinese students to the Russian educational environment as the basis for the formation of a Russian-Chinese-English communication culture that contributes to the development of sustainable worldviews in education, science, society, economics, culture, ethnicity, and other areas.
Methods. Content analysis of abstracts of dissertations by Russian and Chinese authors submitted for defence from 2001 to 2021.
Results. The authors identified the need for a comprehensive study of ideological and cultural characteristics of modern Russian and Chinese youth. The authors propose the creation and development of a Russian-Chinese-English-speaking culture of communication based on educational activities of educational organisations. Scientific and practical significance. Theoretical and methodological justifications and revealed regularities of the process of Chinese students’ adaptation can be used to develop a university development programme.
Introduction. Despite record employment growth in Russia in 2023, the issue of youth unemployment remains highly relevant. Young people are particularly vulnerable in the labour market compared to other age groups. Russian and international studies have confirmed a significant relationship between the employment of young people and their level of education.
Aim. The aim of this study is to analyse the influence of the educational level of Russian youth on their employment rates and how this is affected by external factors.
Methods. The study implemented a dynamic comparative analysis of various factors determining the employment of young people in 2022 compared to 2019. This involved calculating correlations and regression models based on primary data from the consolidated budget of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as statistics from Rosstat, the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, and the Ministry of Labour of Russia. The analysis was conducted upon three groups of regions based on the author’s clustering methodology..
Results. The study revealed the links between the status of young people with different levels of education in the labour market and socio-economic factors, as well as the impact of the education system on employment and economic activity indicators in 2022 compared to 2019.
Scientific novelty. The unique methodology of clustering the Russian Federation subjects allowed for a dynamic analysis of indicators from 2019 to 2022, grouping regions not only based on socio-economic development but also other factors affecting the population’s status in the labour market, particularly educational parameters.
Practical significance. The study’s findings will help to specify factors influencing the employment of youth with different levels of education in different regions, ultimately increasing the effectiveness of social policies aimed at activating youth in the labour market.
Introduction. The primary goal of the vocational education system is to prepare personnel for regional economies. It is evident that this preparation should align with the prospective regional and industry-specific personnel needs. However, since the early 1990s, education has been funded not only by the state but also through contracts for paid educational services, based on the personal preferences of applicants and their families. This shift has led to a potentially imbalanced structure in the preparation of specialists. Therefore, analysing the correspondence between the structure of midlevel specialist (MLS) training and the personnel needs of a region’s economy, including the Far East, becomes crucial.
Aim. To conduct an analysis of the correspondence between the structure of MLS training and the personnel needs of the Far Eastern Federal District’s economy and its constituent regions.
Methods. The analysis involved comparing the share of specific aggregated groups of specialties and training directions (AGST) in the structure of admissions to MLS programmes with the share of individuals employed in organisations related to corresponding types of economic activities. Using different classifiers and having specialists of various professions employed in organisations related to different types of economic activity led to an ambiguity in comparing necessary data. MLS training was deemed deficient/excessive if the share in the admission structure to corresponding AGST deviated from the share in the employed structure by two or more times.
Results. In most regions of the Far East, MLS training systems are loosely or only partially connected to industrial economic systems. In the future, all regions in the district may face an excess of specialists with secondary vocational education in information and communication, and over half may have an excess in the healthcare system. Four subjects may experience a shortage of personnel for trade-oriented organisations. The identified disproportions cannot be rectified through a deficit/excess of similar specialists in other regions of the district.
Scientific novelty. Specific types of economic activities have been identified for which MLS training is deficient/excessive compared to the demand for such specialists.
Practical significance. The findings of the study can be used by state and regional authorities in allocating admission quotas for MLS training in specific AGSTs. They can also aid in making decisions to enhance the alignment of the training structure with the prospective needs of the regional economy in the system of secondary vocational education.
Introduction. The social and economic development of a country or a specific region is accompanied by the development of creative industries, which are gaining increasing importance not only in people’s everyday lives, but also as an important and stimulating sector of the economy. However, there is currently no established understanding of the organisation of human resources in this important sector of the economy, which is a relevant socio-economic and pedagogical problem. The first and necessary step in solving this problem is the conceptual definition of the creative industries themselves, which many specialists discuss. It is time to draw some conclusions.
Aim. The identification of guidelines for organizing the training of personnel for creative industries is based on the conceptual definition of the creative industries as a distinct sector of the economy implementing a unique scenario of socio-economic reproduction.
Methods. In the course of the research, various methods such as explication of meanings, conceptual analysis, discourse analysis, reflexive integration, conceptual reconstruction, and theoretical modelling were utilised. Additionally, communication with practitioners and theorists of creative industries played a significant role in the study.
Results. The study showed that creative industries are a constant component of socio-economic reproduction in any era, mediating the transition to industrial (mass and standardized) reproduction of some results of cultural creativity. This sector of the economy, which is transitional in nature and essence, has become rapidly widespread in the last two centuries, which continues today. The organisation of personnel training for creative industries is itself a sector within the creative industries, originating from private initiatives and depending on them for support. Over time, this type of training may either diminish in its local iterations or evolve into a standardized, mass-produced mode of personnel training.
Scientific novelty lies in identifying the specifics of creative industries not by the characteristics of their products and/or the technologies used in them, which is the predominant approach, but by the nature of their dominant type of labour.
Practical significance. The identified guidelines will allow organisers of personnel training for creative industries to choose their strategy based not only on compliance with existing requirements, standards, and benchmarks, but also on creating conditions for the expression of creativity in students, their willingness to take justified creative risks, and their accountability for the outcomes.
Introduction. Training in the field of quality management, meeting the qualification requirements of employers, is unlikely to be possible solely within the framework of existing BA and MA programmes. And the reason here lies not only, and not so much, in the mismatch of educational standards to qualification requirements, but rather in the specificity of the activities of a metrology specialist, for mastering which a special educational trajectory is required.
The aim of the study isto identify approaches to the formation of qualification requirements for an engineer in metrology based on an analysis of the relationship between professional and educational standards and in accordance with the requests of employers.
Methods. As a methodological approach to determining the composition and structure of qualification characteristics of metrologists, the taxonomy of B.Bloom was used, and the main method of research was the content analysis of scientific publications of authors studying the experience of combining professional and educational standards and regulatory and technical documentation regulating the activities of metrologists, supplemented by an analysis of empirical data obtained as a result of a survey of expert practitioners.
Results. The study indicated the differences in approaches to determining the structure and content of professional characteristics of graduates of higher education and the requirements described in the professional standard. It also highlighted the role of special educational programmes for further vocational training in shaping the trajectory of advanced training for metrology specialists. Furthermore, it emphasised the necessity of aligning employers’ requests with educational results in order to improve both the design quality of products and the formation of sought-after metrology specialists.
Scientific novelty. The article establishes a difference in qualification requirements for metrologists from the perspectives of the labour market and educational results established by the Federal state educational standard. Additionally, it formulates an understanding of the analytical expert activity of metrology specialists.
Practical significance. The scheme of interconnection of components of educational space and labour market requests presented in the article can be used in determining the composition and content of professional and specialised competencies of specialists-metrologists for expert activities taking into account the specifities of the production.
Introduction. Such important concepts as conscience, common sense, reputation, justice, due to their abstractness and ambiguity, are used less and less in the practice of labor activity. The situation that has arisen provokes the emergence of so-called “ethical temptations,” when in order to satisfy their questionable needs, employees are ready to distort not only the meanings of their work, but also significantly reduce their opportunities for development and self-realisation in labour.
The aim of the study is to substantiate the need to include “ethical risks” in professiograms and psychograms.
Methods. Comparative analysis of report topics at Russian scientific and practical conferences on career guidance; theoretical and methodological analysis of scientific publications on the subject of research; elements of an expert survey.
Results. The study clarified concepts of “conscience” and “common sense”, indicated their connection with such closely related concepts as “image” and “reputation” of an employee, as well as with the concepts of “justice” and “self-esteem”. Examples of professions with increased risks of “dealing with conscience” and ignoring common sense were provided. External and internal factors that provoke disregard for common sense by employees in different professions are also highlighted.
Practical significance. It seems appropriate to gradually include aspects reflecting ethical risks in career guidance programmes intended for various ages and educational levels
Introduction. Since the start of the 2023–2024 academic year, all schools in Russia have implemented a career guidance minimum (grades 6–11). This unified model of professional orientation for schoolchildren is characterised by its relevance, accessibility, and overall alignment with the educational professional orientation paradigm. However, there are some deficits and contradictions in the existing concept of the professional orientation minimum that need to be addressed for its further development.
Aim: to analyse the strengths and weaknesses of the current model of the career guidance minimum and to determine and justify possible directions for its future development based on the analysis.
Methods. The study is based on a comparative analysis of the concepts of “educational professional orientation” and “career guidance minimum”, as well as empirical data collection through the study of literary sources, observation, and collection of expert opinions. The synthesis method and pedagogical design were also employed.
Results. The study identifies risks and potential negative scenarios in the development of the career guidance minimum due to its complex and convergent nature. The study also identifies key directions for the short and medium-term development of the career guidance minimum, including the design of variable models for supporting students’ professional self-determination, the introduction of formats such as cycles of professional testing and professional orientation networking, and the formation of elective mechanisms for completing specialised pre-professional classes based on pre-professional training.
Scientific novelty of the study lies in its reflection on the newly formulated phenomenon of the “career guidance minimum”, which has not yet been thoroughly explored in scientific literature.
Practical significance. he presented scientific results can be used to update methodological recommendations for the implementation of the career guidance minimum in the 2024-2025 academic year, as well as to facilitate discussion within scientific, educational, and career guidance communities.
Background. The extent to which secondary school students have developed professional orientation serves as a key indicator of their readiness for making professional choices. Concurrently, the structural aspects of professional orientation and the mechanisms contributing to its formation during ontogenesis remain inadequately explored. Additionally, there is a notable deficiency in empirical research within this domain.
The aim of the study is to theoretically and empirically support the framework of career guidance among older adolescents. Understanding this framework will facilitate predicting their professional future and identifying priority areas for the development of professional interests.
Methods. The study was conducted using the diagnostic complex “Proforientator.” Hierarchical cluster analysis was employed to identify groups of objects, and one-way analysis of variance was used to detect statistically significant differences among them.
Results. Theoretical analysis of approaches to the research problem allowed for the identification and description of components of professional orientation. The combination of these components determines the vector of personal resource application and shapes the outcome of professional self-determination – a conscious, motivated choice of a profession. The results of empirical research enabled the identification and description of three groups of adolescents, provisionally labelled as “Socionomists,” “Business Engineers,” and “Eco-Technologists.” These groups outline a set of typical professions and key competencies for each, accompanied by recommendations for their development.
Scientific novelty. The composition and content of the components within the structure of an individual’s professional orientation have been specified. Groups of older adolescents sharing similar structures of primary professional orientation have been identified and described.
Practical significance. The research findings can be applied to purposefully organise career guidance activities within the framework of educational and advisory paradigms.
Introduction. The research topic “Analysis of forecasting methods for development of the system of training qualified workers and middle-level specialists” is devoted to an important theoretical and practical problem of the applicability of the results of predictive research in making managerial decisions.
Aim. To consider the process of forecasting the development of the secondary vocational education in a non-economic context; to identify and clarify the complex of non-economic, yet organisational and pedagogical parameters of the state of the specified system as objects of forecasting.
Methods. A comprehensive analysis of the processes of modernisation of the secondary professional education was carried out using various forms of statistical analysis, modeling, analysis of theoretical approaches, comparative analysis.
Results. Nine main parameters of forecasting the state of secondary professional education system in the process of modernization are identified: priorities in the value-oriented settings; the degree of practice-oriented educational system; variability of educational programs and the educational process; openness of the educational system of a professional educational organization; quality of education; prevailing ways of working with a contingent of students; the depth of digital transformation of the educational process; the level of integration of an educational organization into the socio-economic ecosystem of the region; the success of graduates in their professional activities.
The scientific novelty lies in the proposed set of non-economic, organizational and pedagogical parameters of forecasting the state of secondary vocational education system.
The practical significance of the research results lies in the new ability within management practice to directly assess the impact of modernization efforts on the secondary professional education system, predict forthcoming changes, and strategically plan management interventions within this system.
Introduction. The implementation of the federal project “ Professionalitet” in the system of secondary vocational education entails a series of changes in the preparation process of skilled workers and middle-level specialists. This necessity arises from significant reductions in training periods and deeper interaction between educational institutions and enterprises. The success of the project largely depends on the formation of the content of the professional cycle of educational programs, its structure, as well as the pedagogical conditions of implementation and timely identification of problems affecting its effectiveness.
Aim. To identify the problems of developing organizational and pedagogical conditions for training specialists in a college (technical school) when transitioning to educational programs in the context of professionalitet.
Methods. The methodological basis of the research comprised systemic, competencybased, personal-activity, and process approaches, enabling the identification of key problems in developing organizational and pedagogical conditions for implementing educational programs. Research methods included theoretical analysis of scientific literature, analysis of regulatory documents governing the training of skilled workers and middle-level specialists, synthesis of obtained information, and an inductive method when studying employer requirements for college (technical school) graduates.
Results. The ongoing modernization of secondary vocational education, associated with the implementation of the Professionalitet federal project aimed at enhancing the effectiveness of training middle-level specialists, is accompanied by problems in selecting the content of professional cycle disciplines and the technology of its implementation. The densification of the professional cycle, caused by the reduction of time in educational programs for its implementation, leads to problems related to: 1) transforming the content of training in this cycle, its structure, as well as justifying the forms, methods, and means of professional education; 2) striving to align educational programs for training middle-level specialists with labour market requirements outlined in professional standards and job descriptions; 3) selecting the content of an additional professional block in the professional cycle of shortened educational programs.
Scientific novelty. The study substantiates the socially pedagogical, scientifictheoretical, and methodological problem of identifying organizational and pedagogical conditions for training middle-level specialists in the implementation of an additional professional block within core professional educational programs under the Professionalitet project.
Practical significance. The obtained results can be used in developing core vocational educational programs for training middle-level specialists in metalworking.
Introduction. The article focuses on analyzing domestic and international approaches to organizing the support of professional development for educational professionals through the enhancement of qualification levels. The central aspect of this process is the selection of program content for professional development, taking into account various monitoring indicators, such as educational needs for qualification improvement, the quality of student education, professional competence, and the identification of new pedagogical competencies.
Aim. To identify and summarize positive trends in the organization of professional development for pedagogical staff during qualification enhancement, based on the analysis of domestic and international experience.
Methods: The study employs the analysis of scientific sources indexed by international and Russian databases over a 28-year period, as well as normative and legal documents. Pedagogical forecasting and modeling are also utilized.
Results based on the synthesis of the experience in the qualification enhancement of vocational education teachers reflected in publications by domestic and international authors, relevant directions for organizing the support of professional development for vocational education teachers are formulated.
Scientific novelty. Based on the generalization of experience the actual vectors of organizing support for the vocational education teachers’ professional development are formulated: organization of methodical and substantive assistance in overcoming difficulties in the implementation of professional and pedagogical working; enrichment of teachers’ professional and pedagogical competences; teachers’ creative research working activation.
Practical significance. The methods and forms of qualification enhancement presented in the article can be used as a foundation for designing professional development programs for educators within the framework of continuous education.
Introduction. In Russia, systematic efforts are underway to improve education, raise teachers’ salaries, and promote the noble and in-demand profession of teaching. However, a shortage of teaching staff is observed not only in depressed regions, and the solution to the problem extends beyond salary and publicity considerations.
Aim. Justification of the need for a balanced, economic approach to the rational use of limited educational resources.
Methods. The research is based on the analysis of data from the territorial bodies of Rosstat for the Astrakhan region and the Republic of Kalmykia for the years 2021– 2024, federal job vacancy databases, recruiting agencies, and regional information and news resources. To support approaches to addressing the shortage of teaching staff, an expert assessment method was employed, utilizing interview results from a wide range of stakeholders, including teachers, educational institution leaders, parents, lecturers, and students in pedagogical university programs.
Results. Expert assessments confirm an increased demand for quality education, driven by the existing shortage. According to economic theory, the reasons for the lack of an adequate supply of those willing to work as teachers lie in the search for an equilibrium price. Various options for its formation are proposed.
Scientific novelty. The bold solutions presented for addressing the shortage of teaching staff are motivated by the urgency of the problem, requiring decisive administrative actions.
Practical significance. The administrative solutions proposed in the article are applicable to various levels of education, including teacher training programs.
Introduction. The growing shortage of personnel in industrial enterprises necessitates a review of the internal training system. In the current circumstances, it is imperative to leverage internal resources – highly skilled employees with rich practical experience and professional competence, for whom teaching is not their primary or regular activity. However, preparing them for teaching through lengthy additional professionalpedagogical education programs is impractical. A technology for short-term training is required, utilizing individual educational trajectories.
Aim. Checking the effectiveness of the technology of short-term training of in-company teachers in industrial enterprises.
Methods. This study aims to justify the effectiveness of short-term training technology for in-house instructors in industrial enterprises..
Results. Data obtained from the implementation of the short-term training technology for in-house instructors attest to its effectiveness. The identified criteria for levels of professional-pedagogical competence formation, considered when designing individual educational trajectories, contribute to the scientific novelty of the research.
Practical significance. The proposed short-term training technology for in-house instructors, along with its organizational and pedagogical support, can be utilized by enterprises and organizations across various industries.
Introduction. The success of a country’s and region’s socio-economic development is determined by its human resource potential, the enhancement of which is influenced, in part, by the system of career guidance. Since 2018, significant transformations have been observed in the field of career guidance following the country’s president’s increased focus on this segment of general education, necessitating scientific understanding and analysis. A five-year period is deemed sufficient to assess the changes in approaches to career guidance and outline the prospects for further development.
Aim. To substantiate the viability of the background model of professional self-determination in a professionally-oriented educational environment.
Methods. The study employed retrospective analysis, theoretical modeling, synthesis, generalization, and comparison methods.
Results. Trends and prospects in the development of students’ career guidance, including the author’s background model of professional self-determination in a professionally oriented educational environment, are presented. Scientific novelty. An analysis of current approaches and models of students’ career guidance over a five-year retrospective period has been conducted. A background model of professional self-determination in a professionally-oriented educational environment has been proposed.
Practical significance. The research results can be utilized by education management professionals in the development of comprehensive regional programs for career guidance in the general education system.
Introduction. Due to the need to solve the most important socio-economic tasks, career guidance of young people is one of the key areas of activity in the field of education. In these conditions, an activity-based approach to career guidance is actualised when a school graduate comes to an educational institution with a conscious choice of profession.
Aim. To present the experience of a professional activity approach in career guidance in order to identify a professionally oriented applicant and, as a result, improve the quality of education in the process of accelerated training of workers under the implementation of the Federal project “Professionalism.
Methods. The description of the experience is accompanied by an analysis of the results of a survey of schoolchildren participating in an experimental career guidance project.
Results. Conditions for an activity-based approach in career guidance which ensure the effectiveness of career guidance in training and increasing the number of professionally motivated graduates who find employment and continue to work in a mastered profession are defined.
Scientific novelty. It is substantiated that the activity-based approach, unlike traditional methods, contributes to the formation and development of professional self-awareness, deeper immersion in professional activity, and a more conscious, real choice of a future profession.
Practical significance. The proposed model and didactic conditions of professionally oriented career guidance in conditions of successful social partnership can be used in educational institutions of any level and profile of education.
Introduction. The world is undergoing rapid transformations, moving from the previously-defined VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous) environment to a BANI (Brittle, Anxious, Non-linear, Incomprehensible) one. These characteristics pose significant challenges for individuals and societies alike. Sustainable human development serves as a key response to these challenges, necessitating a continuous transformation of educational systems to align with the evolving demands of the labour market. In this context, soft skills are gaining crucial importance.
Aim. This study aims to analyze the challenges associated with current pedagogical approaches toward developing soft skills. Based on this analysis, the study proposes diversified means for fostering such skills in university students.
Methods. The research employs a combination of theoretical and methodological analysis of relevant scholarly publications, alongside empirical data gathered through a questionnaire survey administered to teachers.
Results. The study identifies a high demand for soft skills among graduates for successful employment and professional development. It further analyzes the existing challenges in the educational process regarding the development of career-critical skills and proposes strategies to overcome them.
Scientific novelty. This study introduces a novel approach to modifying instructional elements within the educational process. The proposed approach emphasizes the use of contemporary pedagogical tools that actively stimulate the development of soft skills in university students while they learn a foreign language.
Practical significance. The proposed framework outlines the purposeful utilization of diversified means for soft skill development. This framework will empower educators to optimize the educational process, aligning it with the evolving requirements of the industry.
Introduction. The announced plans of the Ministry of Education to develop a new education strategy by the autumn of 2024 make the problem of forecasting the development of the training system of qualified workers and technicians relevant.
The aim of this article is to develop a methodology for forecasting the level of readiness of the secondary vocational education system to solve the problem of the qualified personnell provision for the economy.
Methods. The authors used methods of comparative and general analysis of scientific data on approaches to forecasting and its practices in Russia and abroad, data extrapolation, modeling, theoretical and cluster analysis, synthesis and conceptualisation.
Results. A strategy for forecasting the development of a system for training qualified workers and technicians is presented, including the types of data and parameters used for forecasting, its stages, and methods of working with data.
The scientific novelty lies in the substantiation of ways to use big data analytics tools (predictive analytics) to manage the development of the vocational education system.
The practical significance lies in the proposed set of forecasting tools and algorithms for its use to manage the development of the secondary vocational education system. Among them: predictive analytics tools, data requirements used in the predictive analytics system, forecasting stages and conditions for the effectiveness of its results.
Introduction. Forecasting and strategic planning of long-term labor needs and the development of secondary vocational education are regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The issues of applying modern forecasting methods require consideration in the context of the requirements of established norms.
Aim. The coverage of the results of the analysis of normative and methodological documents, which define the issues of forecasting and strategic planning of the development of the education system of the Russian Federation.
Methods. The methods of generalizing analysis of the content of normative documents, systematization of relevant legal information in the context of forecasting and strategic planning tasks are used.
Result. The information on documents defining the current regulatory framework for developments aimed at creating long-term forecasts for the development of education, as well as creating concepts and documentation for strategic planning is systematised.
Scientific novelty. Modern directions of forecasting and strategic planning were identified, which were reflected in the regulatory and legal documentation of recent years.
Practical significance. The data obtained and systematised in the article can be used by the developers of predictive and planning documents of a strategic nature, as well as members of project teams whose work is related to the formation of forecasts and strategic development plans.
Introduction. Forecasting and strategic planning of long-term labor needs and the development of secondary vocational education are regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The issues of applying modern forecasting methods require consideration in the context of the requirements of established norms.
Aim. The coverage of the results of the analysis of normative and methodological documents, which define the issues of forecasting and strategic planning of the development of the education system of the Russian Federation.
Methods. The methods of generalizing analysis of the content of normative documents, systematization of relevant legal information in the context of forecasting and strategic planning tasks are used.
Result. The information on documents defining the current regulatory framework for developments aimed at creating long-term forecasts for the development of education, as well as creating concepts and documentation for strategic planning is systematised.
Scientific novelty. Modern directions of forecasting and strategic planning were identified, which were reflected in the regulatory and legal documentation of recent years.
Practical significance. The data obtained and systematised in the article can be used by the developers of predictive and planning documents of a strategic nature, as well as members of project teams whose work is related to the formation of forecasts and strategic development plans.
Introduction. Considering the current trends in the development of the Russian state, which is taking place in unprecedented conditions of sanctions pressure and instability of the global economy, the need for the highest quality of state administration is becoming more urgent, which is directly determined by the quality of training of future employees of public authorities. These circumstances require the study of existing scientific approaches to the training of future specialists in the field of state and municipal administration.
Aim. Substantiation of the methodology and possibility of applying the fractal-existential approach to the organisation and implementation of educational activities for the training of future employees of public authorities in higher education.
Methods. The methodological basis of the study was general logical methods of scientific knowledge, methods of qualitative content analysis, methods of the fractal approach, existential analysis, and existential pedagogy.
Results. The foundations of a fractal-existential approach, presented in the form of a semantic core, principles, a personal-semantic and organisational fractal of educational activities for the training of future employees of public authorities.
Scientific novelty. The new methodology for training future specialists in the field of state and municipal management, based on the principles of existential pedagogy and the fractal essence of educational activity, is substantiated.
Practical significance. The results obtained can be used by universities as a methodology for organising educational activities in the higher education system for training future employees of public authorities.
Introduction. Entrepreneurship education is becoming a soft skill requirement that can be integrated into VET programmes, provide practical understanding of industry and skills, develop entrepreneurial thinking, ability to identify opportunities, take risks and adapt to change, bridge the gap between education and employment, create jobs and stimulate economic growth, providing social and economic mobility.
The aim of the study is to identify the features and structural elements of entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial competencies in the VET system at the individual, institutional and system level.
Methods. The basis was formed by elements of socio-economic modelling, structuring and systematisation, case-study method, and interdisciplinary approach applied for modelling the ecosystem of entrepreneurship education.
Results. The content of entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial method in the VET system as well as the essence of entrepreneurship as a method of introducing innovations and values was reimagined, the factors of entrepreneurial thinking were presented, the content of entrepreneurship education ecosystem was determined.
Scientific novelty lies in the identification of models of entrepreneurship education, the content of teachers’ competencies and the framework for entrepreneurship education in terms of organisation of training in the VET system.
Practical significance. The findings and recommendations can be used in terms of development of the content of training and professional development programmes for teachers, training models, as well as the creation of innovative sites of workplace learning and organisational innovation at the institutional level and the creation of educational environment.
Introduction. In the conditions of changing markets professional managers and entrepreneurs, who are able to accelerate economic growth in order to overcome the emerging geopolitical problems, are needed more than ever. In this regard, it is important to consider the problems and identify the opportunities that the current management and entrepreneurial education in universities faces.
Aim. To analyse existing approaches to combining theoretical and practical education, identify their shortcomings, and offer recommendations on optimising the process of training specialists in managerial and entrepreneurial profile.
Methods. Main research methods: theoretical analysis of scientific publications, analysis of statistical data of the Ministry of Economic Development and the Public Opinion Foundation (FOM).
Results. A set of steps to change entrepreneurial education in universities, which incorporate practical assignments, internship programmes, and mentoring is proposed.
Scientific novelty. The identification of the need to integrate theoretical and practical education in the process of training specialists.
Practical significance. The results of the study can be used in the development of new and the adjustment of existing training programmes for managerial and entrepreneurial specialists.
Introduction. Online teaching communities, the number of which is steadily growing, complement traditional professional associations, expanding opportunities for constructive interaction. However, the lack of tools and methods for evaluating effectiveness of these communities prevents their development and transition to a qualitatively different level – platforms for full-fledged informal professional development of teaching staff.
Aim. Substantiating the possibility of using the proposed methodology as a tool for evaluating the effectiveness and monitoring the activities of online professional teaching communities.
Methods. The research is based on the analysis of empirical data of the activities of online teaching communities and the results of a survey of senior and teaching staff members of regional methodological associations. The methodological basis of the study is comprised of structural-genetic, systemic and evolutionary approaches.
Results. A methodology for assessing the quality and effectiveness of online professional communities was developed by the moderators of online professional teaching communities from the Chelyabinsk Institute of Educational Development. The experience of applying the methodology is presented and summarised.
Scientific novelty. The parameters and criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of online professional communities are described and systematised.
Practical significance. Methodology for assessing the effectiveness of professional Internet communities can become the basis for making effective organisational and managerial decisions on the development of not only regional methodological associations, but also any online teaching communities.
Introduction. Due to the specificities of resocialisation, building social and labour relations is difficult for certain categories of Russian citizens. One of these categories are retired military personnel who have the right to pension provision and are able-bodied. The transition of military pensioners to the new reality of civilian life is accompanied by a number of difficulties.
The aim of the study is to identify the potential of an inclusive approach in addressing the problems of professional adaptation of military pensioners.
Methods. During the study, secondary analysis of the results of empirical studies and content analysis of scientific publications were carried out.
Results. The professional adaptation of military pensioners is considered the main condition for their social adaptation and integration. The following are considered as areas of professional adaptation of military pensioners: organisation of educational activities, organisation of employment, and social and legal support for entrepreneurial activity.
Scientific novelty consists in identifying a set of inclusive conditions that ensure the success of professional adaptation of military pensioners.
Practical significance. The directions, forms and conditions of professional adaptation provided in the article can be used in the development of employment programmes for military pensioners and retired military personnel.
Introduction. The emergence and mass distribution of generative artificial intelligence (GAI), including large language models in 2022–2023, have led to large-scale transformations in many areas, thanks to new opportunities for working with text, images, video, and sound. The scientific community, anticipating significant changes in the field of education under the influence of GAI-based technologies, is considering new paradigms in education. This work explores the technological possibilities of using GAI in the education system and highlights the emerging trend toward scaling up personalised education.
Aim. The purpose of the study is to describe existing educational technologies based on GAI, as well as the practice of their application.
Methods. In-depth interviews with experts in the field of generative artificial intelligence.
Results. The study described the areas of application of GAI in the education system, revealed the advantages, problems and risks of introducing new technologies, considered the practice of applying generative artificial intelligence in the education system, and proposed recommendations to educational organisations on adapting to digital transformation, in terms of GAI.
Scientific novelty lies in systematising the research on different directions of using GAI in the educational process and forecasting further development of GAI application in education.
Practical significance. The results of the study can be used by teachers to update the curriculums, change the system of assessment and control of students, adapt training programmes to the capabilities of students using new technologies based on GAI as well as to understand the global trend of changing the approach to education in general.
Introduction. This article addresses the need to revise approaches to forecasting the demand for skilled workers in order to establish clear requirements for the development of Russia’s vocational education system.
The aim of the article is to propose potential solutions that define strategies for the development of the Russian vocational education system, considering approaches currently used in foreign countries.
Methods. The study is applied in nature, utilising general scientific methods such as comparative and theoretical analysis, as well as data synthesis and generalisation from open sources, including regulatory documents and scientific publications.
Results. The study’s findings include conclusions about the relationship between workforce demand forecasting approaches and decisions regarding the development of the vocational education system.
Scientific novelty lies in proposals to change forecasting methods the need for personnel in Russia based on combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches.
Practical significance. Solutions are proposed for the development of the vocational education system, taking into account the results of forecasting the demand for skilled workers.
Introduction. To address the shortage of qualified personnel in the sectors of the economy the national project “Personnel” will start on January 1, 2025. The federal projects that it encompasses are aimed at implementing such tasks as effective employment of graduates of educational organisations, transformation of approaches to the professional development of working citizens, assistance in retraining and advanced training, and many others. The increasing role of additional vocational education is also due to the discrepancy between vocational education and the needs of the labor market noted by employers and, as a consequence, the need to improve personnel qualifications. Thus, one of the significant issues of personnel policy is assessing the need for additional training of young specialists in the initial period of their working career.
Aim. Analysis of Russian experience in assessing the redundancy/insufficiency of qualifications of young specialists to determine the future need for the content of additional professional programs and forms of training that can accelerate adaptation to the requirements of employers.
Methods. Review of publications covering the approaches of Russian researchers of the education system and labour market to assessing the redundancy/insufficient qualifications of young specialists.
Results. The review of publications shows the diversity in Russian practice of approaches to assessing the redundancy/insufficient qualifications of young specialists. Determining the long-term need for the content of additional professional programmes and forms of training in order to accelerate the adaptation of young specialists to the requirements of employers remains an urgent research problem.
Practical significance. The results of the study can be used by specialists in the field of education management, employers, heads of educational organisations, representatives of the expert community to implement the main directions of personnel policy aimed at increasing the efficiency of personnel training, identifying and developing the resource potential of young specialists.
Introduction. In the previous article we considered the state of the supply of some branches of the economy with middle-level specialists and showed that the shortage of such specialists can be eliminated by insignificant changes in the structure of admission to the programmes of training of middle-level specialists. This article discusses in detail the situation with the supply of skilled workers in the ‘Manufacturing Industries’, the problems of determining the basic professions for the industry, and the estimates of the skilled workers shortage with education in basic (profile) for the industry professions, as well as the possibilities and methods of eliminating this shortage.
Aim. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the compliance of the structure and the ammount of skilled workers trained in the basic groups of professions for the industry, using the example of the ‘Manufacturing industries’ sector. It also aims to estimate the shortage of such personnel and possible ways to reduce it.
Methods. In order to assess the shortage of skilled workers with training in the basic programmes for industry, the following data were used: сomparison of the share of enrolments in the relevant programmes in the total enrolments in training programmes for skilled workers and those employed in the industry; Rosstat labour demand monitoring, adjusted for the size of the sample surveyed; Forecast calculations of the demand for personnel with different levels of education, distribution of the employed by age and by level of education.
Results. The estimates show that for the FEA “Manufacturing industries” the shortage of skilled workers and specialists with education in programmes 15 and 22 by the beginning of 2023 (taking into account the retirements and graduation of skilled workers in these programmes in 2023) is estimated at 126.8 thousand people, and this is provided that all trained skilled workers in programmes 15 and 22 start working in the considered industry. Elimination of the shortage of skilled workers and specialists with education in programmes relevant for the FEA requires 3-5 times increase in the enrollment numbers. After 2028-2030, the shortage of skilled workers and specialists will start to increase due to an increase in the share of retirements.
Scientific novelty. The lack/surplus of training of skilled workers and specialists with education in programmes 15 ‘Mechanical Engineering’ and 22 ‘Technology of Materials’, which are basic for the type of economic activity ‘Manufacturing Industries’ has been assessed.
Practical significance. The results of the study can be used by the state and regional authorities in the formation and distribution of control figures of admissions to the training of skilled workers and specialists in specific programmes, as well as in preparing decisions on measures aimed at increasing the conjugation of the structure of personnel training in the system of secondary vocational education with the prospective needs of the economy.
Introduction. Graduates of secondary vocational education institutions face a number of difficulties when entering the labour market. Among the main reasons are the lack of practical experience, the underdevelopment of the system of interaction between educational organisations and employers, and the discrepancy between the desired salary level and the real one.
Aim. Analysis of strategies for students of professional educational organisations to enter the labour market, taking into account regional specifics and resource security of families.
Methods. The leading method was a sociological study conducted by the Centre for Economics of Lifelong Learning of the RANEPA in the spring of 2023 among 1,098 senior year students of secondary vocational education organisations. The survey was conducted in three regions – Sverdlovsk, Volgograd and Ivanovo regions. The regions were selected taking into account their geographical location and place in the ranking of the socio-economic situation of the regions.
Results. The result of the study was the analysis of graduates’ ideas about employment prospects, as well as the role of colleges in promoting youth employment.
Scientific novelty. The projective models of employment of secondary vocational education graduates are presented.
Practical significance. The obtained research results can be used for the development of managerial and organisational decisions aimed at improving the state youth policy in the field of employment. The findings of the study may be of interest for improving the methods of career guidance among students
Introduction. The shortage of qualified paramedical personnel in domestic healthcare is particularly acute: according to estimates from the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, in the fall of 2023, the shortage of mid-level specialists in state medical organisations amounted to about 50 thousand people.
Aim. Assessment of the professional readiness of students of the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College to work in the healthcare system.
Methods. Univariate, bivariate and comparative analysis. The online survey was conducted in March-April 2023; a total of 2358 people were surveyed. The study was based on the principle of an attainable sampling of 17.2%. The sampling error was 1.84%, which suggests a fairly high degree of reliability of the data obtained.
Results. An analysis of the professional readiness of medical college students to work in the public health care system is presented. 63.8% of respondents declared such readiness. The quality of the educational environment has the most significant impact on the formation of professional readiness. Minor impact – psychological motivation for choosing a medical profession and students’ employment during the training period.
Scientific novelty. Subjective assessments of students’ professional readiness to work in healthcare are an important indicator of the quality of training of future specialists.
Practical significance. Taking into consideration the identified factors that have an impact on students’ readiness for future professional activities makes it possible to adjust the main directions of career guidance work in college and ultimately achieve a high level of employment of graduates in their specialty.
Introduction. The scale of modernisation in secondary vocational education drives pedagogical science to seek optimal, practice-oriented models for integrating education and production. Together with their resources, they ensure an increase in the quality of professional training of qualified workers who are capable of effectively performing labour functions and are ready to arrange independent inclusion in production processes and effectively solve problems that arise. Combining these resources is feasible within an integrated educational-production environment of the college.
Aim. To justify and develop a structural-functional model of interaction between the college and social partners within an integrated educational-production environment.
Methods. Methods used include pedagogical modeling, studying innovative pedagogical practices, and analysing reference, encyclopedic, regulatory, and scientific literature related to the research topic.
Result. The concept of “integrated educational and production environment of a college” is specified. The social partners of the college were identified, whose resources form the basis of the integrated educational and production environment.
The scientific novelty lies in the development of a structural-functional model of interaction between the college and social partners within an integrated educational-production environment, highlighting the functional aspects of such interactions.
Practical significance. The study’s findings can serve as a guide for secondary vocational education institutions (colleges, technical schools) in identifying social partners and establishing mutually beneficial collaborations for training in-demand workers.
Introduction. The article is devoted to the issue of pedagogical education in modern Russia. The training of Russian teachers is currently among the most discussed topics amid the socio-economic changes in the country and the revision of the structure of levels and programmes of higher education in general.
The aim is to carry out a comparative analysis of approaches to modern pedagogical education, taking into account the provisions of educational and professional standards set by the state.
Methods. The study employs content analysis of scientific literature and regulatory documents, along with a comparative analysis of approaches to the organisation of pedagogical education in the Russian Federation.
Results. There is a tendency to unify approaches to pedagogical education, despite the existence of different approaches at the level of standardizing documents (Federal State Educational Standard, professional standards), as well as a diversity of practices and perspectives among scholars. Unification is possible at the level of principles and methods of organising pedagogical education, while still accommodating differences arising due to the dual qualifications of subject teachers, as well as the age and individual characteristics of students, including gifted children, students with special educational needs, and those attending general educational organisations of different types and locations.
The scientific novelty lies in characterising the modern trends of the organisation of pedagogical education and raising the issue of researching the possibility, necessity, and extent of its unification.
Practical significance. The study’s findings are of interest to scholars and practitioners involved in pedagogical education.
Introduction. Reflection is an important factor in achieving success across various types of professional activities. In pedagogy, most studies focus on the higher psychological functions of individuals or on the development of reflective competencies in schoolchildren and students. The issue of the formation of reflective competencies within the general professional skills of teachers, particularly in the field of secondary vocational education (SVE), remains unresolved.
The aim of the article is to substantiate the significance of reflective competence within the structure of a teacher’s competencies.
Methods. The study employed bibliographic and content analysis of scientific publications dedicated to issues of pedagogical reflection, along with the systematisation of the findings.
Results. An approach to studying professional reflection as a distinct set of teacher competencies, which becomes especially crucial in the context of the digital transformation of education, was proposed.
Practical Significance. The results of the study can be used to further explore professional reflection as a tool for improving pedagogical practices.
Introduction. eduScrum is a teaching methodology based on the principles of the Agile business approach. eduScrum contains signs of project-based learning. The review of the experience of its application from the point of view of the product approach indicates that students acquire additional values that exceed the development of planned competencies.
Aim. The aim is to summarise the experience of using eduScrum as an intermediate educational product.
Methods. The analysis of the eduScrum educational product, with the help of which training courses for undergraduate students were created and implemented, was carried out using the Business Model Canvas.
Results. The business model canvas for the educational product eduScrum is described in nine blocks: segments of the target audience; value proposition; sales channels; key activities; key partners; key resources; costs; benefits. “Bait and Hook” and “Partnership and Development” are proposed as basic business models for the educational product eduScrum.
Scientific novelty. A vision of the product approach in the educational process of higher education is proposed, the object of which is the eduScrum methodology (framework). eduScrum is considered as an intermediate educational product with the help of which educational artifacts (methodological materials, student project developments, competency monitoring, portfolios, etc.) are generated, which are the evidence base for stakeholders, as well as final educational products in the form of professional values and competencies of future specialists.
Practical significance. The proposed project-based teaching methodology may be used when developing practice-oriented educational courses.
Introduction. The growing relevance of the problem of professional orientation in modern Russia inevitably raises one of the most difficult and ambiguous issues – the assessment of the results of professional orientation. Attempts to solve this issue are presented in scientific publications, in materials and speeches of practitioners, in regional strategic planning documents. However, building an adequate (comprehensive, effective, realistic) system for evaluating the results of professional orientation work with students remains a task that has not yet been solved in practice and has not been sufficiently understood in theoretical research.
Aim. To search for and substantiate the methodological prerequisites necessary for designing a system for evaluating the results of educational professional orientation. Methods. A wide range of empirical and theoretical research methods was used, including experimental work within the framework of scientific and methodological sites of Federal Institute for Education Development, then RANEPA in various regions of the Russian Federation.
Results. The author’s model of “four coloured baskets” is presented and scientifically substantiated, which makes it possible to clearly identify four types of educational outcomes of professional orientation. 1) “External conditions” – indicators of accessibility and quality of the professional orientation environment. 2) “Internal (personal) conditions” - characteristics of the student’s (graduate’s) readiness for professional self-determination. 3) “External results” – delayed educational and socio-economic effects of professional orientation. 4) “Internal (personal) results” – characteristics of the professional self-determination of the student (graduate) at different stages.
Scientific novelty. The variety of the criteria and performance indicators of professional orientation, reflecting the vast amount of poorly reflected empirical approaches, are systematised and presented in the form of a four-component model, which significantly facilitates further scientific understanding of the problem.
Practical significance. The presented scientific results can be used, on the one hand, to develop effective models for managing ecosystems of educational professional orientation at various levels and scales (from regional and sectoral to local); on the other hand, to develop variable models of self–assessment of the effectiveness professional orientation work at the level of an individual professional orientation teacher.
Introduction. Current challenges, both economic and social, highlight the factors that influence the formation of value orientations, particularly the value of creative labor in the content of career guidance programmes.
Aim. To determine the factors that contribute to the increased value placed on creative labour by students in comprehensive schools during career guidance programmes.
Methods. This study used comparative and generalised analyses of existing scientific publications on the topic of the research. The methods of correlation and factor analysis were used to process the test results.
Results. Research data indicates that students’ perception of the importance of creative labor is enhanced through participation in career guidance programmes that systematically incorporate professional tryouts, guided tours, extracurricular activities, and career guidance diagnostics. This creates the conditions for a value-based unity within career guidance activities.
Scientific novelty. The research identified a correlation between the value of labour in a society and its level of prosperity. Societies and communities where members highly value creative labour demonstrate superior economic performance.
Practical significance. The results of the study can be used for organising career guidance and educational work in comprehensive schools.
Introduction. The article is devoted to the phenomenon of teachers’ professional development in the process of postgraduate continuous learning. Due to the growing popularity of a science which appeared at the junction of neurobiology, psychology and pedagogy, known as “Neurodidactics”, a large amount of new knowledge about the neurophysiological processes of the brain is accumulated. The analysis, theoretical understanding and generalisation of it can form the basis for the formation of a new concept of teachers’ professional development.
The aim of the study is to identify and examine from the standpoint of neurodidactics the key features that determine the phenomenon of teachers’ professional development and which positively influence the organisation of its support, particularly in the process of teachers’ skills improvement.
Methods. Analysis of scientific sources indexed by international and Russian databases, with a search depth of more than 50 years; pedagogical forecasting and modeling.
Results. During the analysis of the phenomenon of teachers’ professional development from the standpoint of andragogy, as well as taking into account the neurophysiological characteristics of the human brain, the following properties that are significant for teachers’ postgraduate education support were identified: neuroplasticity, cognitive flexibility, memory, critical thinking, emotions, speech function. A neurodidactic characteristic of each was given.
Scientific novelty. The directions of teachers‘ professional development that were put forward taking into account the peculiarities of brain functioning can be used as a basis for the development of conceptual foundations for the support of teachers’ professional development.
Practical significance. Based on the generalised theoretical provisions on the phenomenon of teachers’ professional development from the standpoint of neurodidactics, methodical recommendations are proposed and the course of professional and pedagogical skills improvement of teachers is defined.
Introduction. In the context of rapid digitalisation in education, there is a growing need for effective training for teachers in the use of modern technologies. The relevance of this research is driven by the necessity to develop effective strategies for enhancing teachers’ qualifications in digital technologies.
Aim. The aim of the study is to analyse the effectiveness of online workshops as a form of professional development for teachers in the context of developing digital skills.
Methods. The research is based on the analysis of the University-School Cluster in the Perm branch of the National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE University), where a personalised form of professional development for teachers in online workshops was implemented using a special digital platform. Three online workshops were organised for professional development in the area of ‘Digital Technologies and Tools in Teacher’s Activities’: for teachers of History and Social Studies, English and Mathematics.
Results. Cluster participants successfully created and applied digital educational products (DEPs) in their teaching practice. The positive impact of using digital technologies on the quality of education was noted. Scientific novelty.
The scientific novelty of the research lies in the development and testing of a comprehensive approach to enhancing teachers’ digital literacy, based on the use of online workshops within the framework of the university-school cluster.
Practical significance. The results of the study can be used in the development of advanced training programmes for teachers in the field of digital technologies.
Introduction. In modern conditions, a person can change their profession multiple times, building various career paths, ensured by a flexible system of additional education and opportunities for project-based learning and its further professional implementation. The change from a mono-professional to a poly-professional approach to building a career path determines the need to revise and clarify the content of professionalisation.
Aim: to study the characteristics of the formation of professional identity of specialists during the change of profession.
Methods. The study used the following methods: qualitative theoretical analysis, comparison, classification, and survey method. The study involved 113 respondents comprised of students taking programmes of 44.03.04 Vocational training (by branches).
Results. When changing career paths, specialists, influenced by the result of identification with the previous profession, are still oriented towards the same values, subject, and type of professional activity learned during the previous cycle of professional self-determination. Professional experience in any related field allows for a quicker identification process, that is, when choosing a&n